31 - Creepy Stalker

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A week had passed and Hana and Junseok got along very well. They spent time together and the little girl had the best time of her life. 

It was a relief for Y/N that everything was going the way she wanted, but something kept telling her that what she was doing was wrong. However, seeing her child happy made her ignore that feeling.

Junseok was doing his best to cheer her up and let her forget about Jay, but her heart always ached at the thought of him. And every time she stared at her daughter, it reminded her of him.

It was a Sunday morning when Junseok, Areum, Y/N, and her daughter went to the beach. It was such a beautiful day and so everyone decided to go out. 

"Ah..." Areum closed her eyes as she enjoyed the fresh air. "The weather is so nice, don't you think?" 

Opening her eyes, she turned to Y/N who was staring at Junseok and Hana. He was holding her on his shoulders as they ran and giggled together. 

Anyone that saw them would have believed that they were father and daughter because of how sweetly Junseok looked at her and how wide Hana's smile was.

As Areum watched them play together, she realized how Y/N must be feeling; her daughter was having fun with someone who was doing his very best to be a good father to her when she was supposed to enjoy her time with her real father. 

The one that didn't even realize he had a daughter, to begin with.

Turning to Y/N, Areum softly grabbed her hand and sighed. "It must be hard for you," she smiled sadly and Y/N knew what she meant.

"As long as she's happy," she looked at her daughter with a soft smile on her lips. "Then everything is okay."

"It seems that they like each other, a lot actually." Areum took out her phone before she started filming them, Junseok splashing Hana with water as she giggled loudly and ran away from him.

"He's a great guy, I can't be grateful enough for what he's doing for us," Y/N said and looked down at Junseok, a smile finding its way on her lips.

"Then why not give him a chance?" Still filming them, Areum said without taking her eyes off her phone screen.

Y/N's eyes went wide as she felt her cheeks heat up. "It's not like that... I just-" 

As she looked away, she noticed someone staring at them from afar before he quickly turned and started walking away.

Black clothes, black boots, a black hat, and a black mask that completely hid his face. He looked just like a wanted criminal that was running away from the cops and the fact that he was starring at them terrified her.

"Y/N?" She turned to look at Areum with wide eyes as her heart beat faster. "What's wrong? I've been calling you but you were spacing out."

Y/N shook her head and sighed. "Nothing... I must be paranoid or something." She chuckled and decided to ignore the horrible feeling that rushed through her.

But that didn't last long.

Because for the next days, Y/N felt like someone was watching her every move. Everywhere she went, that feeling never left her, not even for a second. And that made her remember the person that was staring at her at the beach.

She felt like she was exposed to the world and that the person who was stalking her knew everything about her. 

Her house, her university, her family... Junseok and her daughter.

If he knew everything about her then he surely knew about her daughter, and that thought terrified her.

Y/N became extra nervous and paranoid but she didn't tell anyone, not even Junseok or Areum because she didn't want them to worry.  

But they would know, sooner or later.

It was Monday afternoon when Y/N got out of university and started walking home. Taking her phone out of her bag, she called Areum.

"Oh Y/N, what's up?" Areum asked from the other line.

"I just wanted to ask about Hana. Is she with you?" 

"No, she's with your grandmother. I think they're out to buy groceries. Why?" 

Y/N started panicking. "O-oh nothing... see you later." She hung up as her heart started beating faster and faster, the thought of her daughter in danger haunting her.

But as her steps got faster, she heard other steps behind her and that made her eyes slightly widen. It was an empty street and she couldn't scream for help.

She started walking slowly to see if she was really being followed when the steps behind her got slower too. And that's when Y/N's eyes brimmed with tears as the realization hit her.

Someone was indeed following her and that made chills run down her back as she gripped her bag and walked faster.

Just then, the person following her placed a hand on her shoulder when Y/N closed her eyes and turned, raising her bag so high before hitting that person right on the face. He stumbled and fell on his back, holding his face as he groaned in pain. 

Y/N was about to run away when he grabbed her hand. "Stop," he said between his groans, making Y/N stop in her tracks.

That voice...

Turning around with furrowed eyebrows, Y/N stared at the person lying on the ground before her eyes widened in shock. 


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