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"Luke, I can pay for my own ice cream. It's just ice cream" I insisted.

"Exactly. It's just ice cream. You're not paying." Luke rolled his eyes.

"Okay, fine." I crossed my arms, defeated.

We bought our ice cream and sat down at one of the tables outside of the shop. After a few minutes an unknown person pulled a chair up and sat next to us. It was a boy. He had bright green hair and a few piercings. Like Luke, he was wearing black skinny jeans and a black shirt.

"Well, how's it going Luke?" The boy said flickering his eyes between Luke and me. "Who's the chick?" He said looking at me.

I rolled my eyes at his bluntness. The boy just smirked. I hoped to God that Luke wasn't friends with this guy.

"Michael, this is Alyx." Luke said, sounding rather aggitated.

The now identified boy looked back to me. "Hi, Alyx. I'm Michael." He gave a devilish smile and stuck out his hand for a handshake. I ignored it. I didn't mean to be rude, but I was irritated that this guy was interrupting my date with Luke. I figured that it could be considered a date now since we had kissed, and he had bought me ice cream.

"Somebody's a little rude." Michael responded to my rejection of the handshake.

"Michael," Luke started, sounding rather exasperated, "just go."

"Well, you two kids have fun- not that I think that's possible but anyways. Have fun kiddo." Michael ruffled Luke's hair. Luke promptly slapped Michael's hand away.

"Who was that?" I questioned.

"That would be Michael Clifford. He thinks he's a badass, but he's really just the town's biggest douchebag. Stay away from him." Luke warned.

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere near him. How do you know him anyways?"

"We used to go to school together, that is, until he dropped out. He's two years older than me." Luke explained.

"Oh." That would make him 19- three years older than me. I was definitey going to stay away from him. Not that age is a big deal or anything, but I always felt uncomfortable around people who were more than a year older than me.

"I'm sorry about that." Luke apologized.

"Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." I smiled at the blonde boy who was chewing on his bottom lip again. He smiled back.

"It's starting to get late. We should probably get going." Luke looked towards the setting sun.

We walked back to my house with our hands intertwined. At my doorstep, Luke lightly kissed my lips and said goodnight. I watched him cross through my yard and into his own before entering my house.

I pressed my back against the door, still feeling the phantom presence of Luke's lips on mine from moments ago. I smiled thinking about it. I hadn't known the boy very long, but I already had a pretty massive crush on him that wasn't going away anytime soon.


There's Michael! :D I know that there isn't really a two year age difference between Michael and Luke, but I decided to make it that anyways. So now that Michael's made his presence known, what do you think is going to happen? Comment your ideas ;)

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