twenty nine

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Michael's POV

She looked so content and peaceful laying there in my arms. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

I loved her. I truly loved her. And I wanted to love her for the rest of my life. Although we hadn't been together for terribly long, I knew she was the one whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I wanted to marry her one day and have kids with her in the future as crazy as that sounds.

Before I met her, those thoughts never would have even crossed my mind. I never thought that I would actually want to marry someone or want to have children. But I guess when you love someone you see your life in a different way. I couldn't imagine being without her anymore.

I loved her.

I loved her with every fiber of my being.

But there was a problem.

Her mother.

I didn't want to keep sneaking around behind her back. I actually felt guilty about it. I could understand completely where she was coming from in her hatred towards me, but I still wished that she would just give me a chance.

That is why I felt really bad for what I was about to do.

I knew that Alyx didn't want to tell her mom to know just yet, but I couldn't wait any longer. If I wanted to have a future with this girl, I needed to have a good relationship with her parents in order for that to happen. Anthony, her father, had already accepted me, so I needed her mother to do the same.

I kissed the top of my girlfriend's head and untangled myself from her sleeping body. I threw my clothes back on and whispered a quiet "I'm sorry" before leaving the room and my house.

I was going to talk to her mom.


Deep breaths, Michael. You can do this. I encouraged myself.

I brought my fist to the wooden door and let my knuckles knock. I was nearly shaking in nervousness.

Mrs. Harper answered the door, and as soon as she noticed that it was me, she attempted to slam it in my face. That gave me a pretty good indication of how this was going to go.

I stuck my foot between the door to prevent it from closing, "Mrs. Harper! Please, I need to talk to you," I begged.

"There is nothing you could say that could change my mind," She said with an uninterested tone, like she couldn't be bothered.

"Please, just let me explain to you what my intentions are with your daughter," I tried. "I know you don't like me because of the reputation I've earned, and I'm not going to try and deny any of that because of the majority of it is the truth," I sighed. Why did I have to be so stupid? "But I've changed. And it's all thanks to your daughter. You have raised such a beautiful, kind-hearted girl. Without her, I'd still be the same messed up kid I was a few months ago."

Mrs. Harper scoffed like she wasn't buying any of it.

"Mrs. Harper, I love your daughter. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. And before you ask, yes, we've been seeing each other behind your back. I feel really bad about it though, and gosh, she's going to kill me once she finds out I told you. But I wanted you to know. I also wanted you to know that I love Alyx so, so, so much, and I would give my life for her if it meant keeping her safe. I've never felt this way about a girl before, and everyday my feeling keep getting stronger and stronger," I took a deep breath. "She's it for me. Without her, I'm nothing. I know that one day- not anytime soon because she's still so young, and we both have a lot of growing up to do, especially me,- I will marry her."

Mrs. Harper looked shocked at the words that had escaped my lips and even had a very brief look of awe grace her face, but it faded, and she quickly composed her bitch face again.

"Michael, I don't want you near my daughter. Alyx is far too young for you, far too young to know what love is and to be serious about it, and she needs someone who will be able to take care of her better in the future. You dropped out of school, so you won't be able to get a good paying job to support her. I only want the best for her, and you're not it. I'm sorry to say that, but it's true."

I tried not to show that her words affected me deeply. After all, I was used to this. Being told that I wasn't good enough was a regular occurrence in my life.

"I know I'm not the best person for your daughter- I know that. But I'm trying, trying so hard. For her." At this point I wasn't below getting on my hands and knees and pleading my little heart out.

"Please stay away from Alyx," She disregarded everything I said. "I now know that she didn't listen to me, but I'm hoping you will. It's for the best, Michael," She added a fake sincerity to her voice that made me want to punch her. But I wasn't going to. I was better than that. And plus, a man should never, never, under any circumstances, hit a girl.

So, I turned on my heels and walked away from the door.

But not before turning around and yelling:

"And by the way, I fucked your daughter! And she liked it!"

That was not something I was above doing.

The look on her face was absolutely priceless.

Alyx was so going to kill me later.


I was pissed to say least about how my "meeting" with Mrs. Harper went. It was to the point where I probably shouldn't have been driving because I couldn't even focus on the road in front of me. I was too consumed with my thoughts.

That's why I didn't notice the large, grey truck that had swerved into my lane until it hit me.

My car rolled off the side of the road and only stopped when it smashed into a tree.

My vision clouded over, and everything started to turn back before I slipped out of consciousness.


Oh gosh you guys are going to kill me

And you're going to want to kill me again next chapter probably

Please give me like a two day head start on my running though because I don't run and when I do I'm extremely slow

It would be much appreciated it

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