twenty four

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"We need to talk," She announced just as Luke had mentioned via text message. Hearing those four words come from her mouth instantly sent my mind into a panic.

I had no idea what she was going to say.

"Luke, can you give us some time alone?" Mom asked. The fact that she didn't want Luke to hear what she was going to say instantly sent my mind into even more of a frenzy. This meant that it was serious. Did she know about my sneaking out with Michael? I tried to even out my breathing and calm my shaking hands as Luke left the room.

"Alyx, honey, it's about your father," Mom said after she had guided me over to sit on my bed.

Out of all of the things she could have said, that was not what I expected to come out of her mouth. My father has never been in the picture. Not once had he ever shown up to one of my ballet recitals when I was eight or any of my soccer games when I was ten. He wasn't there for a single birthday party or there to teach me how to ride a bike. In short, he was never a part of my life. Hell, I didn't even know who he was. I didn't know what he looked like or even what his name was. Basically, he was just a sperm donor. So why my mom was even bringing him up, was a mystery to me.

"What about him?" I questioned slowly.

She paused for what felt like an eternity before answering.

"Honey, he wants to meet you."

My jaw dropped in shock. "No. No, no no. Hell no! I do not want to meet that asshole!"

"Alyx Grace! Watch your language! I know he hasn't been in the picture, but he really wants to get to know you.

"Too late for that," I muttered, "it's not like I'm 16 or anything."

"Please just give him a chance. Hear him out. You never know." She pleaded.

"Fine," I huffed, "but I won't make any promises about being nice."

She gave me a small smile and pat my leg before exiting the room.


Two days later I was sitting at a table inside of a small coffee shop sipping a hot liquid from a cardboard cup. Today was the day I was meeting my father. My leg bounced in anticipation as I waited for him to make an appearance. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. What if he hated me? What if he wanted to become a constant figure in my life? What would I say? Would I give him a chance?

I had talked to Michael about all of my worries during one of our midnight meetings, and he had helped to calm some of the nerves, but now that I was alone, they all came flooding back like a tidal wave.

Each time the bell chimed above the doorway, my eyes instantly shot up. I didn't now who I was looking for exactly, but I figured it was one of those things where I would recognize him when I saw him.

I had allowed my thoughts to consume my mind so much that I didn't notice the man who approached me.

"Alyx?" The strange man asked, his voice slightly shaking with nerves.

I looked up to lock my gaze with his and nodded. The man had dark brown hair that was cut shortly and slight stubble lined his jaw and chin. His body was nicely toned making it obvious that he worked out. He wore a dark pair of blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Along his arms, numerous tattoos were scattered about. In fact, hardly any skin was visible on either arm; it was only ink.

Is it weird to say that I found my father to be quite attractive? Because hot damn! I could definitely see why mother was getting it on with him. As gross as that is for me to think.

He awkwardly sat down in the seat across from me with a coffee in his hands. It was evident that neither of us knew what to say. Or perhaps we knew what we wanted to say but didn't know how to put it in coherent words. We had sat there in silence for probably a good five minutes before he spoke first.

"I'm really sorry, Alyx. I'm so sorry that I've missed the last sixteen years of your life. I know that sorry doesn't even begin to cut it, but I really want to make it up to you now. I was such an ass for leaving your mother the way I did, and if I could take it back, I would in a heartbeat. That is the biggest mistake I've ever made. I regret leaving you and your mother more than anything. Hearing your mother talk about what an amazing young lady you've turned into had made me realize what an idiot I am. I know what I did is probably unforgivable, but I hope that one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me and call me your dad." Tears threatened to fall from his eyes at the end, and I knew that he meant it; he was truly sorry. But he was right about something. Sorry wasn't going to cut it. I needed him to show it. It's like the old saying "actions speak louder than words." If he could show me that he meant every word of what he said, then maybe, just maybe, I would call him "dad." But until then, I would call him by his first name: Anthony.

"Okay, I'll let you be a part of my life." As soon as I spoke that sentence, his eyes lit up as if he couldn't believe that I had actually allowed this. Maybe he didn't deserve it after abandoning me, but I was a firm believer in second chances. I believe that everybody makes mistakes, and there aren't many that are unforgivable. Yet that forgiveness still had to be earned. I would give the chance to allow that to happen though.

I was slightly taken aback when Anthony got up to hug me, but I didn't reject it. The first hug I had ever received from my father may have been a few years too late, but it made me happy nonetheless. I had always thought less of myself because I figured there must have been something wrong with me that my father didn't want to be in my life. But now, here he was. A little late, but not too late to make amends.


Two hours later and we were still sitting in the café just talking about our lives. He wanted to know everything about me, and I wanted to know everything about him. I shared some of the good memories that I had created throughout my life. We laughed and everything felt so carefree. I felt as if we were creating a real father/daughter relationship, and I was happy.

After a while, I felt a set of arms resting on top of my head. I twisted in my chair to see who had decided to use me as their personal armrest. I was met with a smiling Michael.

"Hey, babe," Michael removed his arms and kissed my cheek. I blushed at his show of affection. Normally I wouldn't but because my dad was sitting right there, I did.

Being as I was a little shocked from his sudden appearance, he took it upon himself to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Michael," He smiled, "you must be Alyx's father." He offered his hand to my father who shook it firmly.

"Yeah, I'm Anthony. Are you her boyfriend?" Anthony asked suspiciously.

"Uh, yeah, Michael is my boyfriend." I answered awkwardly. "But please don't tell mom! She doesn't know, and she will literally kill me if she finds out."

Anthony chuckled, "your secret's safe with me."

After only a few hours of knowing my dad, I could already tell that he was going to be the cool parent.


I hope this was good

I'm also gonna do a little self promo here...

I just published the first six parts of a new Michael story! It's called Internet Love and it would be amazing if yall would check it out and tell me what you think!

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