twenty five

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Anthony drove me home after hours of talking at the café. It was safe to say that I got 95% of my personality from my father. It was actually almost ridiculous how similar we were, but then again, it shouldn't be surprising since we did share DNA.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to meet me, Alyx." My dad smiled at me after parking the car in my driveway.

"I'm glad I did," I said honestly even though I was still a little pissed at him.

"Now, I've been holding off asking this for most of the night, but, Alyx, why can your mother not know about Michael?" Anthony asked.

I sighed. It wasn't really a discussion that I wanted to have, but if I wanted him to keep the secret, I figured he ought to know.

"She thinks he's 'bad news'," I said putting air quotations around my words. "She basically said that he's just a punk who wants nothing more than to get in my pants- which is the farthest thing from the truth, by the way-" I said thinking back to the time after our first make out session when he freaked out because I was three years younger than him. "She forbid me from seeing him and wants me to date the asshole who lives next door instead." I huffed.

"So what's the deal with this asshole next door?" He asked not bothering to question the rest of it. It must not have surprised him.

"Well, he was really nice when we first met, and I actually really liked him, but then I found out he had a girlfriend and was cheating on her with me. We didn't actually date, but we came pretty close to it. And then he's just so rude to Michael and has his close minded opinions about him. He doesn't understand all of the shit that Michael has going on in his life like I do, so he just judges him because he's not society's version of 'perfect'," My tone was clearly filled with anger as I spoke.

"Does your mother know all of this?" Anthony asked after a few moments of silence.

"No, she won't listen," I replied.

Anthony looked like he was deep in thought, contemplating something.

"How about this?" He suggested,"I'll talk to your mother about all of this, but I won't tell her about your's and Michael's relationship. I'll just try and convince her to give him a chance, and if that doesn't work out, I'll try and convince her that that asshole is an asshole."

I laughed at his wording at the end but quickly leaned over the console to hug him. He seemed taken aback at first but responded back. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Of course," he whispered back, "anything for my little girl."


Unfortunately, I had to go to school today. Apparently since I was the new, weird American girl, not many people wanted to befriend me. School sucked already but when you didn't have any friends, it sucked even more. I had been going to this school for weeks now and not single person had tried to have an actual conversation with me. That is, until today.

"Hi, it's Alyx, right?" A girl with bleached blonde hair approached the table where I was sitting all by myself in the cafeteria. I nodded in confirmation. "I'm Emma, but you can call me Em." She smiled sweetly.

It was obvious from this girl's well made up face, tan skin, and perfect body, as well as her outgoing personality, that she was one of the popular girls. So why she was talking to me, I had no idea.

"I noticed you sitting here by yourself, and you looked kind of lonely. You should join my friends and I," Emma said pointing in the direction of a table with girls who all looked as equally 'perfect' as she did.

I didn't want to be rude and decline the offer, so of course I accepted it even though I didn't really have a burning desire to do so.

Once we arrived at the table, Emma quickly introduced me to her friends- none of whom I can remember the names of. She quickly engaged in a conversation with the other girls that led from One Direction to how great one of the other girl's boobs looked in the new bra she bought over the weekend. Needless to say, I was extremely uncomfortable and out of place.

I had completely zoned out the chatter that was going on around me and was only brought back when Emma asked if I wanted to hang out with her at her house after school. I didn't want to, but I said yes anyways. Maybe if I had some other friends, my mother would stop pushing me to hang out with Luke.


School had ended, and I was waiting nervously by my locker for Emma. She finally arrived after two or three minutes and linked her arm with mine, dragging me out of the building.

She abruptly stopped in her tracks once we reached the parking lot.

"What the hell is Michael Clifford doing here?" She questioned with a tone that I couldn't quite describe.

My head snapped in the direction of her gaze, and sure enough, there was Michael leaning against the side of his car with his hands in his jeans pockets. He had on his typical black attire along with a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes. Unsurprisingly, he looked extremely hot standing there.

He smirked once he noticed me and pushed himself away from the car.

"Hey, babe," He said walking over to me and kissing me on the cheek.

"Hi," I smiled shyly. I wasn't used to open affection with him.

"Can I steal you away for the afternoon?" He asked with a goofy grin on his face that made it impossible to say no.

"Of course!" I replied but then remembered that I was supposed to hang out with Emma. "Wait, shit, Emma, can I take a rain check?" I turned to her and asked.

She stood there still obviously in shock but just nodded her head. "We'll talk later," She said seriously. I muttered a quick okay and linked fingers with Michael as he led me back to his car.

"So what are we doing?" I asked once we had settled into the vehicle.

"You'll see," Michael smirked and put the car in drive.


I didn't proofread this bc too lazy.

Also this chapter is extremely messy and doesn't stick to one thing. I am v sorry please bear with me.

I also need some inspiration so please send me ideas my children!

It would also be cool if you could check out my other stories:

Juliet (Luke)
Blessings (Luke)
Secrets (Michael)
Internet Love (Michael)

(If you can't tell, I am a muke girl lol)

I think that's it

Drop a comment or vote or something and show some love

Bye babes <3

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