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A couple of days had passed since I was forbidden to see Michael, and I hadn't seen him. This doesn't mean I was following my mother's instructions. No, this was me being too upset about the situation to get out of bed. Michael had told me not to worry, but I didn't know what that meant. Did that mean "we'll wait it out and see what happens" or did it mean "fuck your mom's rules, we'll still see each other"?

I had texted Michael a few times, but his responses were limited- which left me feeling even more confused that I was before.

After laying in bed and moping about for four days, an unpleasant odor wafted to my nose. It didn't take long to realize the stench was of myself, and I was in desperate need of a shower.

I scrubbed my body and hair until I smelled like my fruity body wash and shampoo. It was a heavenly fragrance. Once I had dried myself off, I slipped on a plain black tank-top and dark washed shorts. I didn't bother with any makeup because I was only going to walk to the park. My slightly curly hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and I fastened a red bandana around my head to calm the strays. My attire was then completed with a pair converse.

I cracked open my door and crept down the stairs, ready to make a break for it if my mother was anywhere in sight. Thankfully, she wasn't. I hurried out the front door and ran until the house was no longer in sight. Once I arrived at the park, I took a seat in the grass underneath a tall tree in a semi-secluded area. I inserted my headphones into my ears and opened my pandora app on my phone. The first song to play was by some new band called Four Minutes of Winter or some shit. They were pretty good, so I left it alone.

After a while, I felt someone sit down beside me. I opened my eyes, which I didn't realize had even been closed, and came face to face with Calum.

I pulled out one of my headphones and said hello. He returned the greeting before picking a topic of conversation.

"You look a little down. What's up?" There was nothing but concern written in his eyes.

I had barely spoken to the kid, but somehow our conversations were always about my life problems- which was a little odd, but he seemed to be pretty understanding and compassionate, so I didn't mind too much.

"My mom is a bitch." I stated simply, pushing my lips into a flat line. "She 'forbids' me to be friends with Michael, and she's barely said two words to him." I could feel myself starting to get worked up again and had to will the tears to stay in my head.

"Why did she do that?" Calum asked curiously even though I'm sure he knew the reason already.

"I don't know," I sighed. "Something about him looking like a punk and only wanting to get into my pants." I shook my head.

Calum was silent for a moment as if he was contemplating what words he would say.

"I talked to Michael yesterday," He started. "He told me everything that's happened in the last couple of weeks between you two. And honestly, I've never seen him look happier. I know he's had a pretty shit life and has done some pretty terrible things, but since you came into the picture, he's been different. He acts like he genuinely wants to change, and I can see that he's truly trying. I know that I told you earlier it was probably best if you stayed away from him, but I was wrong. So wrong, Alyx. Michael needs you. He needs you like the ocean needs water. And his ocean is pretty rocky, but you're his lifeboat keeping him afloat."

My mouth gaped in shock, and I was unable to form words to reply. I had hoped that I was helping him, but I didn't realize the extent that I had reached already. I dipped my eyes down to stare at my outstretched feet before silently whispering, "I need him, too."

It was true. Michael had become my oxygen, and I couldn't live without him in my life anymore. He gave me something to look forward to and made me excited to wake up every morning. The last few days had been pure hell without him.

"I'll tell Michael to contact you, if you would like." Calum offered, and I gladly accepted. Hopefully he would follow through, and Michael would listen.

The storm inside of me was becoming increasingly more prominent as the days ticked by, and I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer without my anchor.


Short chapter, sorry! Please comment and vote! It really means a lot to me, and I do read every comment! Love you guysss <3

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