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Alyx's POV (all chapters will be in her POV unless otherwise stated)

I woke up to the ringing of my phone and an empty bed.

Where was Michael?

I grabbed my phone, assuming that he must've been in the bathroom or something.

Incoming call from Calum

Calum? Why was Calum calling me? Yeah, we had each other's numbers but never once had we made use of them.

"Hello?" I answered groggily because I had just woken up.

"Finally! I've been trying to call you for fifteen minutes! What the hell are you doing?" Calum said without a hello.

"I was sleeping...why? What's up?" There had to be a reason he was calling me. He wouldn't just call me out of the blue like that.

"It's Michael," he said cutting straight to the chase. "He's in the hospital, and things aren't looking good."

Michael? Hospital? How? He was just with me...

Those questions raced through my brain, but I didn't have time for them.

"Calum, pick me up and take me there. I'm at Michael's house," I demanded trying to hide my panic.


I ran into the hospital and to the front desk with Calum hot on my heels.

"I'm looking for Michael Clifford," I panted.

"Are you family?" The snobby receptionist asked.

"I'm his girlfriend," I said. That had to count for something, right?

"Sorry. Family only," she said dismissing me without bothering to look up from her paperwork.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Calum exclaimed throwing his hands into the air. He was clearly irritated also. "His family isn't going to show up! They don't care about him! I was the one called about his accident! Just tell me his fucking room number already!"

The lady seemed slightly taken aback by Calum's outburst, but she gave us the answers we needed. She probably just didn't want to deal with a couple of pissy teenagers.

"He's currently in surgery. His accident was pretty serious. You can go sit in the waiting room for now, and somebody will update you on his whereabouts and how things go."

I muttered a quick thanks before dragging Calum with me to the waiting area.

The waiting was painful.

I nervously bounced my foot up and down to the point where it was driving Calum nuts, and he had to physically put his hand on my knee to get me to stop.

Finally a doctor entered the room an hour later.

"Family of Michael Clifford?" The doctor called out.

Calum and I quickly stood up and practically ran to where the man was standing. I probably would've knocked him down if I hadn't thought to slow down.

"Well, he's out of surgery. He had some internal bleeding and a few cracked ribs. His right leg was also fractured. There was also some damage to his head that could result in memory loss. We won't know the extent of the loss until he wakes up, however." The doctor explained. "He could lose anywhere from a few weeks to years of his life."

"When will he wake up?" Calum asked as I couldn't find the words to speak.

"He should be alert within the next hour. You may go wait in his room if you'd like. Room 317."

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