thirty one

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I'm not sure how long I sat against that wall crying until Calum sat down next to me. He wrapped his arms around my shaking body and pulled me into his chest.

"Shh, Alyx, don't cry. He doesn't know what he's talking about, "Calum soothed. "Just calm down. Everything's going to be alright."

"No, Calum! Everything's not going to be alright," I was appalled that he could even think something like that. "My fucking boyfriend doesn't fucking remember me! The love of my fucking life just thinks I'm some slut or something! It's not going to be alright!" I blew up. I know it wasn't Calum's fault, but I couldn't stand to keep my emotions in any longer.

Calum didn't respond to my outburst, most likely because he knew I was right instead he picked me up bridal style and carried me away from the hospital. "It's late. I need to get you home."

I wanted to protest, but I knew it was of no use.


"Will you stay with me tonight?" I asked once we arrived at my house. I didn't think I'd be able to handle being alone at the moment.

"Of course," Calum replied with a small smile.

He turned the car off and walked with me up to the house. As soon as we entered, my mother was stood at the door with a glare that could literally kill someone.

"Where have you been?" She asked, but before I could answer, she spoke again. "Oh, wait, let me guess. You were with your boyfriend, Michael," she spat, completely ignoring the fact that Calum stood next me. "He told me everything earlier today." I wasn't sure what she meant by "everything," but I had a pretty good idea. If he remembered me, I would kill him.

Her mention of the word "boyfriend" also made me burst into tears. Fuck.

"Did he break your heart already? Should have listened to me." She said with a mocking tone that made me want to hit her. Mothers should be concerned when their daughters start bawling their eyes out.

"Mom! Stop!" I cried. I couldn't handle anymore degrading talk today. "He's not even my fucking boyfriend anymore! Are you happy?" It was pretty clear that we weren't a thing anymore.

"I told you so, honey," She smirked. That smirk gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I swear, if she had something to do with Michael's accident...

I stormed up to my room. I wasn't going to take anymore of her shit.

I slammed my door and collapsed on the bed, crying for what seemed like the hundredth time today. I just couldn't get the tears to stop.

Today had gone from being the best day of my life to the worst in just a matter of hours, and I wasn't sure that everything would be okay. Ever.

What I wanted, or rather needed, was Michael. My Michael. But that obviously was out of the question.

And my mother, she wasn't going to be of any help.

So where did that leave me to turn?


Calum was the only person who I felt I could trust now. He knew of the circumstances, and he knew Michael better than anyone else, aside from me, in this town.

"Can I stay with you?" I asked Calum as he had followed me upstairs, bypassing the wicked witch of the west. Not that I blamed him. I wouldn't want to be left alone with my mother either.

"Do you really think that's a good idea? What about your mom?"

"She," I breathed, "can go fuck herself. I need out of this hell," I said while getting up and tossing random articles of clothing and other necessities into a bag. If Calum said no, I'd find somewhere else to go.

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