twenty seven

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Whoa, authors note at the beginning. Weird. Anyways, I just wanted to say that if you could please read the authors note at the end, that would be amazing!

Now onto the story! Enjoy!


I stumbled into the house nervously knowing there was no way that my mother wouldn't catch me. Unfortunately for me, the front door happened to be in plain view of the living room where my mother happened to be seated with Anthony. I assumed he was doing the task we had talked about.

"Where have you been young lady? And why didn't you answer your phone?" She said rather angrily.

I gulped and my mind went into a panic. "I was, uh, with a friend." I said. Not a total lie.

"And just who exactly was this friend?" She questioned with the 'I'm not buying it' look.

"I actually made a friend at school today. Her name is Emma," I answered trying my best to be nonchalant about it.

She studied over my face for a few moments to see if I was lying- which technically I wasn't. I did meet Emma today, and I was supposed to hang out with her. There was just a slight change of plans that my mother didn't need to know about it.

"Alright," She finally said, "now go take a shower and change before you catch pneumonia." I gladly did so.


"Why won't you give him a chance? I've met him already, and he's nice boy."

"I don't want her to get caught up with people like him. And when did you meet him? I forbid her from seeing him!"

"The day I met Alyx at the café. He happened to come in while we were there. What do you have against him? From what Alyx told me, she said you hated him the second you laid eyes on him."

"Anthony...I'm just worried. When I first saw him, I thought of you, and I don't want her to go through what I did."

"I know that I made a huge mistake when I left you, but you have to understand that Michael is not the same person I am. He treats Alyx a hell of a lot better than I ever treated you. He's the kind of boy that I would hope my daughter would date."

"I just can't not judge him, Anthony. I can't take that block away. I want her have the best future possible and-"

"And you don't think I want that for her!? She's sixteen. You can't baby her forever. You need to trust her to make her own decisions. She clearly likes this Michael guy, and I think she should go with what her heart wants."

"You don't know about his reputation! I asked around town, and everybody told the same story: alcohol, drugs, and sex. That's what he's known for! I don't want my daughter around someone like that!"

"You can't believe everything you hear!"

"This boy is bad news, and I will not have my daughter associated with him. End of discussion."

"You're just making things worse than they should be."

"Get out of my house! If you're going to put ideas into my daughter's head that it's okay to like punks, then I don't want her around you!"

"All you're doing is making her hate you. How about you hear her side of the story first before you go making assumptions."


The front door slammed, and I quickly walked to my room locking the door behind me. I had eavesdropped on my parents conversation from the top of the stairs. I was happy that my dad followed through with his promise, but I was pissed that my mom was still so close minded.

I flopped down onto the bed and let the tears fall freely down my cheeks. All my mom was doing was pushing away everyone I cared about. Eventually, I stood up and plugged my iPod into my speakers. Right now, I needed loud music and Michael.

Alyx: can you come over?

I texted Michael.

Michael: of course babe

Michael: is everything ok?

Alyx: no

I sighed while typing out the reply.

Michael: I'll be over in 10 with ice cream to help you feel better :)

I decided not to reply to that message because I knew that I would be seeing him in just a few minutes.

Pretty soon there was a small knock on my window, and there was Michael with a plastic grocery bag in hand. I opened the window to allow him in. He immediately engulfed me in a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Now, what's wrong, love?" Michael asked, not letting me out of his grip.

I sighed, "my mother. My dad tried to talk to her about giving you chance, but she refused and then told him to stay away from me."

Michael frowned. "I'm so sorry, babe," He held me tighter, "do you want me to try and talk to your mom?"

I pulled away from him in shock. There was no way in hell that I'd allow him to do that. That would only make things worse.

"No, no, no," I shook my head furiously.

Michael sighed, "fine, but you know we're not going to be able to keep this a secret forever, right?"

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I loved Michael with all of my heart, and I wanted to proclaim my joy to the world, but I didn't want to face the consequences. I know I should've manned up, but the reality was that I was too scared.

Michael sensed my distress and spoke some reassuring words into my ear, "I know you're scared, baby, and I know that I can't promise that everything will be alright, but what I can promise you is that I'm not gonna let you go without a fight. You are mine forever, baby." He ended his little speech by gently kissing my lips.

I kissed him back before pulling away and curling up on my bed, "okay, but just give me a little bit more time."

He nodded in affirmation, wrapping his tattooed arms around my body, allowing me to relax into his embrace. "Go to sleep, love. I'll see you tomorrow," He kissed the top of my head before tucking the blankets tightly around me and swiftly exiting through the window.

I slept peacefully that night, not knowing what tomorrow would hold.


Kind of a cliff hanger, somewhat, kinda, not really.

So I have two ideas for the next chapter and I'm not sure which to do. Both things are gonna happen eventually, but I'm not sure about the order. So that's where you guys, my lovely readers, come into play! Yay!

So two options:

Option A) more drama


Option B) smut (I can't promise that it will be good because I'm really awkward and I'm virgin lol but I will try my best)


okay now one last thing


feel free to comment your opinion if you want :)

So that's it now

Bye guys

I love you <3

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