This isn't Over

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My baby has finally come to an end *sniffs and wipes away imaginary tear*. Now I'm not really proud of this chapter and in my opinion it kind of sucks but it's all I could come up with so you guys will have to make do.

***** There WILL be an epilogue (which I have no idea when I'm going to post) AND as I said before, there is going to be a sequel (which I also have no idea when I'm going to post) so keep your eyes peeled for that.******

I just want to thank everyone who's been with the story from the beginning and more importantly I want to thank you all for your patience. I know I haven't been the most fastest uploaded (so much for wanting to finish by September, huh?)

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it!

Don't forget to comment, vote and fan!

Chapter Twenty Seven

You know those moments when you're hoping for the best but expecting the worst? Like when you ask your mom if you can go to that party down the street knowing that she'll probably say no, but you still ask anyway hoping, praying that she'll somehow have a change of heart.

Well, that feeling was nothing new to me, since its what I've been living with ever since my mother got diagnosed. Every time I would take her to the hospital, I knew that no matter what the doctors did, it wasn't going to get better but I still hoped, I still prayed that it would.

After she passed, I thought I would never have to go through it again. I'd already gotten my acceptance letter, I didn't have anything more to expect to happen to my mother and I hadn't planned on making any life changing decisions anytime soon.

But right now, while I was waiting for news on Julian at the hospital, that feeling was beginning to seep in once again and I couldn't say I'd missed it.

I was sitting on a chair next to my father's hospital bed, staring at the rise and fall of his chest, making sure it wouldn't stop because I didn't know what I would do if I lost another person I loved. It had been only two months since my mother left, if my dad left too...

I couldn't finish that thought.

I mean, I knew the doctor said he was fine and that he just needed rest and a blood transfusion, but I couldn't help but worry. He'd been shot in the leg, but it wasn't anything serious and for that I was grateful. But Julian on the other hand was a different story.

The bullet had been so close to puncturing his kidney that he needed surgery to get it out. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of the sleepiness. I had spent almost two hours at the station answering questions and relaying what had happened to the authorities and it was now taking its toll on me.

It was close to five in the morning now and I was as tired as hell, but I wasn't going to sleep. I couldn't even if I wanted to, because every time I closed my eyes, images of what happened would come back. The bodies, almost being shot, Julian's limp body on the ground and the guilt were enough to keep me awake.

The guilt was the worst of them all. It should be me in that operating room, not Julian. It should be me in this bed, not my dad. But here I was, completely unharmed. Well... physically. Thankfully Chase was okay. I didn't need anything more on my conscience.

Grace and her parents were sitting in the waiting room, Chase with them. I couldn't even look them in the eye when I first got here, I just hurried to my dad's room. They were here because their son was in surgery because of me, I should at least apologize, right? But I didn't know what to say. The moment I walked in and saw them sitting there tense and worried I felt so ashamed of myself. The guilt I felt was even more intense.

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