Getting Ready

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Chapter One

How could she do this to me? I thought enraged. She knew how much I hated my father for what he did, that I never wanted to see him again, yet she goes and writes in her will that he is the one to be my legal guardian. Deep down I knew that even if she didn’t mention it the government would have still placed me with him since he was my closest living relative but knowing that my mom actually wanted me to live with him made me mad.

I didn’t even know what I was supposed to say! Do I forgive him for what he did or ignore the fact that he’s alive and go on with my life until I turn eighteen and get out of there? I prefer the latter.

When I got home after the funeral, Mr. Parker gave me two days to get my things packed then go on the next flight out to where ever it is my dad lived.

“Are you taking this?” Willow asked as she held up a green sweater. She and Tom had come over to help me pack my clothes, which weren’t much by the way. She was as devastated as I was when she heard the news but you couldn’t always get what you wanted in life. I learnt that the hard way.

“Yeah sure,” I told her. I was going to take all my good clothes so that they could last me the summer. I didn’t want to have to ask my father for money, or anything for that matter. I would only acknowledge him because I was going to be sleeping under his roof for the next three months.

Why did I have to be born in September? Why?! If I was born a few months earlier I wouldn’t have to go. I picked up a gray hoodie off the floor and threw it to Willow where she was folding the clothes and putting them in my bag. Yes bag, singular. Like I said I didn’t have much clothes so one bag would fit them all.

Tom was going to be the carrier boy so he went out to get us some ice cream. You know how I said Mr. Parker gave me two days? Yeah well we were down to the second day now since we spent yesterday getting mentally prepared for the fact that I was leaving. Willow was the only one who knew how much my father had hurt me. All Tom knew was that my parents split up but other than that he doesn’t know anything.

Willow’s iPod was playing in the background since I didn’t have one. I could never afford one. She offered to get me one as a present but I had refused, it’s not like I needed one, I only bought things that were necessary.

“I still can’t believe you’re going!” Willow whined, “I’m going to miss you so much!” she said as she was folding a pair of my jeans.

“Yeah I can’t believe it either,” I sighed, playing with a loose strand from the rug underneath me. I opened my mouth to say something but then my bedroom door opened all of a sudden.

“I’m back!” sang Tom as he entered my room causing Willow to scream.

“Thomas Evans! You scared the crap out of me!” she scolded him.

He gave her his puppy dog face, “I’m sorry.” Willow’s expression softened then she went over to him and started cooing at how adorable he was, as if he were a dog, clearly forgetting that I was there. Tom rolled his eyes then wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. I turned away giving the love birds their privacy. After a minute or two I cleared my throat. Either they didn’t hear me or they chose to ignore me.

“Okay, break it up,” I said clapping my hands. They pulled away; Tom gave me a sheepish smile scratching the back of his head while Willow blushed furiously.    

“Uh... sorry,” he said. I just rolled my eyes then went to get the ice cream from the shopping bag. Willow went to get some spoons from the kitchen then we all sat on the floor, Tom in the middle holding the tub and me and Willow on either side of him, leaning against him.

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