The Match Maker

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New chapter at last! Phew, I finally finished it! This chapter may be a bit boring but ah well... better than nothing, right?

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Chapter Twelve

I was running bare foot. I didn't know where I was, all I could tell was that it was dark. The ground was damp and the air humid, as if it had just been raining. I could hear the faint sounds of sirens, like the ones of an ambulance. I didn't know why, but over the years I had become able to tell the difference between the sound of ambulance sirens and police ones. I guess having to call them every now and then does that to you.

I kept on running, straight ahead. I saw two figures in front of me. From their silhouettes I could tell that one was a man, the other a woman. I stopped running and walked slowly towards them, hoping they could tell me where I was. As I got closer, I began to make out their features. I couldn't help but feel that they were people I knew. Once my view of their faces got clearer, I realised that they were my parents.

"Mom, dad," I said. Either they didn't hear me or chose to ignore me because they didn't even twitch.

Staring at them in confusion, I called out again, "Mom, dad, can you guys hear me?" I said in a louder voice.

"Honey," my mom said sadly, "come here." She held her arms out for me and I didn't hesitate in running into them. She held me in my arms, telling me she loved me and before I knew it there was no life in her anymore. She was dead. I didn't notice I was crying until a gush of cold air came by and my face felt cold.

"Dad?" I said in a unsure voice.

All he did was spare me an empty glance before walking in the opposite direction. I ran after him, calling his name but he didn't look back, he kept on walking.

"Dad, wait! Where are you going? Take me with you!" I cried. "Dad!" he wouldn't even look at me.

"DAD!" I screamed. my heart pounded against my ribcage with such a force, I thought it was going to burst.

"MOM, DAD! WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed again. I ran faster but didn't get that far before falling onto the ground, "Why are you leaving me?" I cried. "Why?" I whispered before placing my head on the ground and letting the tears flow freely.

I woke up sweating and panting.

It's just a dream Nadine, just a dream, I reassured myself. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my head between them and cried. Even though I had vowed to stop crying over my mother's death, I just couldn't bring myself to get over it completely. She had been the only person there for me, through thick and thin. She was my best friend. Sure there was Willow, but she couldn't always be there. 

Taking a deep breath, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. When I looked into the mirror I saw my mother. I was the splitting image of her. I wondered how my father could take seeing me without remembering his wife. I washed my face, praying that my eyes wouldn't be puffy tomorrow.

Sniffing, I opened the door and went back to bed praying that I would be able to sleep in peace. Even though I had been reunited with my father, I still couldn’t help but feel paranoid that he was going to leave me again. I knew I shouldn’t think so lowly of him, but being alone for so long does that to you. It’s what I was afraid of the most, being alone. Shaking these negative thoughts out of my head, I slowly drifted back to sleep.


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