Motorbike+Chinese Festival=Getting Lost

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WOOHOO!! Another upload!! 

I put up the cast, what do you think? Do you guys agree or disagree for who I put? All opinions are welcome!

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A week had passed since my stay here and to tell you the truth, it wasn’t half as bad as I thought it was going to be. Honestly I had a lot of fun with Grace and Chase. I would say Julian, but then I would be lying. All we did was argue, over anything.

A few days ago we started fighting over what movie to watch, even though the Blake’s had like, at least ten T.V’s in their house. But since we were both stubborn and neither wanted to hurt their pride we fought for about an hour totally oblivious to the fact that the other two were watching some other movie. By the time we realized that it was almost finished.

Of course I kept on pestering Grace about mustering up the courage to tell Chase about how she really felt but came to no avail. She was as stubborn as her brother when she wanted to be.  

During the week I had called Willow only to find out that she wasn’t coming in July. I was devastated to hear that but she couldn’t do anything about it. Her mother had decided that they needed to take a family vacation to ‘bond’ with her sister-in-law’s parents for the summer. I even spoke to her mom, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She told me that I couldn’t always count on Willow to do everything for me and to get used to it. There were times when I hated Willow’s mother. This was one of those times.

Of course my father tried to speak to me whenever he got the chance but I wouldn’t really acknowledge him. I would just give him one word answers and if the question could be answered with a shrug or nod of the head I would answer it that way.

Getting over my mother’s death wasn’t as easy as I had imagined. They say a broken heart heals with time, but did they -whoever they were- say how much time it took?

Every day I would go to Grace’s house and come back late. There were days I would find my father awake and waiting and others I would find him asleep on the couch he was waiting on.

Today we were going to the Chinese festival that was in town. I didn’t want to come at first, but Grace being the persuasive person she is convinced me to go. I took some money from the amount my mother had given seeing that I was too prideful to ask my dad for some. As I slipped on my shoes, the door bell rang indicating that Grace was here to pick me up. Quickly, I ran down the stairs to open the door but my dad beat me to it. I groaned internally when I found out it wasn’t Grace who was waiting for me. It was Julian. I was going to kill Grace when I saw her, I told her not to hook me up with him!

“How can I help you?” my dad asked him, knowing that I was standing near him.

“I’m here to pick up Nadine,” he said after clearing his throat.

My father eyed him sceptically, “I didn’t know she had a date tonight.”

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. Date?! With Julian? No way, not in a million years. Besides, if I were going on a date, I wouldn’t be wearing jeans.

Clearly he felt the same way because he practically choked on the air he was breathing, “What?! It’s not- I mean we’re not going out on date.”

“Then why are you here to pick her up?” my dad asked him.

“The four of us had planned to go to the festival tonight so I’m here to take her.”

My dad peered over Julian’s shoulder. “Four? I don’t see a car, only a motorbike.”

All I Ever WantedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora