Revelations II

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This chapter is short, rushed, it sucks and I hate it. 


PS: I wanted the two to be in Roman numbers and since there aren't any Roman numbers on any normal keyboards, I just put in two I's. So if whatever device you're reading on happens to show them differently, know that it's not because it's a double captial i.   

Chapter Twenty Five  

My head hurt. 

That was the first thing that came to my mind as I slowly regained consciousness. As a natural reaction, one of my hands reached up to hold my head, but it didn't move because it was being held back by something. My neck hurt too. So did my back. Actually, my whole body was sore and I think it pretty much had to do with the fact that I was tied up while sitting - slumping being a more suitable word - on a chair. 

I opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings but it was too dark to see anything. There was a little light coming from a window to my right but other than that, nothing. Slowly, I began to comprehend the situation. I was feeling sore all over, in a dark, musty smelling place and tied to a chair with no signs of civilization nearby. The only sound I could hear was water running through pipes and maybe the scurrying of a few cockroaches.

The one question running through my mind was; 

How the hell did I get here?

My brain was still a little fuzzy so I closed my eyes, trying to remember what happenedbefore I got here. What day was it anyway? Last I remembered it was Friday and I wasexcited about my date with Julian. Did I even go on that date? Because if I did, it must have been pretty sucky if I couldn't even remember it. But then my memories of what happened before came rushing back. 

I never did go on that date and it was because I'd discovered the truth. But it hurt too much for me to keep thinking about, so I tried my best to ignore the stabbing pain in my chest and remember what else happened. 

I remember booking a flight to New York and asking Luke for a ride... Realization hit me like a ton of bricks. 

How could I have been so stupid! I knew not to trust him and yet I did and look where that got me, tied up to a chair in the middle of nowhere. How more stupid could I be? Honestly, I could win an award for my stupidity. I tried to untie the rope around my wrists, but my attempts were fruitless. I tried to relax them so it would stop burning my skin, but there was no point - they were bound too tightly. But before I could dwell on my thoughts and lack of intelligence or continue my failed attempts at freeing myself, a door in front of me opened. Light came flooding into the room and I had to squint since I wasn't used to it. I heard him before I saw him.

“Ah, so you're finally awake,” Luke commented.

I glared at him. 

If looks could kill...

I didn't say anything, anger was boiling up inside me as I shot daggers at the man in front of me. There were so many murderous thoughts running through my head, I didn't know what to say. ‘Let me go,’ would’ve been a good start.

He chuckled, “Easy there Tiger, you look like you want to kill me,” he teased. 

I wonder what gave you that idea, I thought sarcastically.

He walked closer to me until he was standing so close I had to look up to see his face. I still didn't say anything. 

His hand started moving towards my face and I forced myself to stop from flinching. He took my chin in his hand, tilting my face upwards. His touch made me feel sick, like I wanted to throw up. I wanted to tell him - no demand that he remove his filthy fingers off of my face, but I knew that this was exactly what he wanted. I would keep ignoring him the best I could.

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