Shrimp and Bigfoot

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Hey everyone! Okay so I'm really, really sorry about the wait but a lot of things came up which prevented me from uploading. I'm currently working on the next chapter so hopefully you guys won't have to wait that long ever again. 

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Chapter four

The next morning I lay in bed, not really sure what I was waiting for. Okay, so maybe I knew what I was waiting for, but I just didn’t want to think about it. I was waiting for my dad to either get out of the house or stay in bed so that I wouldn’t have to see him.

Last night when I had come in, he had been waiting for me in the living room. He was about to speak, probably tell me off about storming out like that but I didn’t give him the chance to say anything, I went straight up to the room he had given me, ignoring him completely. Besides, it’s not like he has the right to tell off about anything, he lost that right a long time ago, along with my respect.

I sat up, debating on whether to go out or not when I heard the front door open. My first guess was that it was my father (actually it was my only guess). Quickly, I got under the covers, making it look like I was asleep once I heard his heavy footsteps on the wooden stairs.

He knocked on the door, “Nadine, are you up? I need to talk to you,” he said from the other side of the wall. When I didn’t answer he slowly opened the door and I closed my eyes.

Please make it look like I’m sleeping, I prayed mentally.  I heard him come closer and then felt the mattress dip with his weight as he sat on it. His fingertips lightly brushed my hair off my face, the same way he used to when I was younger. I wanted to tell him to get out, but that would ruin my sleeping façade.

“You look so much like your mother,” he murmured. The love and pain were heard clearly in his voice, but a part of me thought, if he loved mom, then why did he leave her? That was one question I wanted an answer to, along with many others. But the more important question was, how was I going to get those answers if I refused to talk to him? Kissing my forehead he got up then left, closing the door behind him.

The moment he closed the door, I subconsciously lifted my hand to where his lips had been. It was that moment when I realized how much I had missed my father. I knew I did, but not this much. I wanted to forgive him for what he did, but he had hurt me too much.

Hearing another door open then close, I figured the coast was clear. Getting out of bed I changed my clothes to my normal attire, jeans, t-shirt and hoodie. Seeing that the weather here was way too warm for a jacket I ditched the hoodie then headed down stairs after slipping on my sneakers. Checking my wallet, I found that it had enough money to buy breakfast.


While I walked around town, I looked for a café to eat. I couldn’t help but notice that everyone was looking at me. It was either because I was new here or because of what Chase had told me before; that no one knew my father had a daughter. When he said that, I felt a knife go through my heart. Was my father that ashamed of me? Did he hate me so much that he didn’t want anyone to know he had a child? I shook these thoughts out of my head as I felt a tear threaten to come down. I did so not need the extra attention. Besides, I cried over what happened enough.

I walked to a booth that sold milkshakes, seeing that all the café’s were either too crowded or seemed too expensive. I stood in line behind a tall, dark haired guy who was so tall that I couldn’t even see the head of the guy standing in front of him. The line wasn’t long, but the girl serving was very slow, because the line wasn’t even moving. The guy in front of me lit up a cigarette causing me to start coughing. I hated cigarette smoke, always had always will. My mom told me that my dad had used to smoke before but she had gotten him to quit. I briefly wondered if he took it up again since he was a bachelor now. There was a big chance that he did but there was also the possibility that he didn’t, seeing that I didn’t smell anything in his house.

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