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Okay, so new chapter is up and you guys didn't have to wait until September, which is a god thing! Anyway, I decided to change the actor that plays Julian from Shane West to Jensen Ackles. I don't really know why, I guess he's more fitting..

So read on and enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to comment, vote and fan!


Chapter Twenty Two

"I think I just died and went to heaven."

All three of us turned our heads to the source of the sound and found the missing blonde leaning against the door frame, a playful smirk on his lips. To say Chase looked good was an understatement, he looked amazing - not as amazing as Julian, but maybe I was biased.

I looked over at Grace to see her reaction. If Julian didn't know that his sister had a thing for his best friend the expression on her face made it loud and clear. It was like she was lost in her own little world, completely oblivious to the fact that she could be blowing her cover right now. I knew I had to say something so that any future suspicions wouldn't be suspected.

"Wow Chase, you clean up good," I commented.

That managed to snap Grace out of her mini trance and she shot a thankful smile at me. I didn't really know if Julian had caught on to what just had happened - or didn't happen thanks to me - but I could still feel the guilt knowing at my insides. It wasn't my secret to tell, but that didn't stop me from wanting to tell him.

Grace promised she would tell him, I reminded myself. I just really, really hoped that she wouldn't chicken out this time. It would hurt him a lot more if he were to find it out from someone else. I still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was going to happen tonight.

"And you ladies most definitely look amazing," he replied with a wink. Even though I knew the compliment was meant for Grace in a somewhat subtle way, I still couldn't help but blush slightly at his words. I didn't have to look to know that she was just as red as I was. And probably jumping with joy on the inside too.

The blonde sauntered over to us, placing an arm around each of our waists, pulling the two of us closer to him. His hold on me felt nice, but it was nothing compared to the tingles that I felt when Julian touched me.

"How about we go down to the party?" he suggested.

I didn't really know where he was going with this. Was he trying to make Julian jealous or something? Because if that was the case, judging from the expression on Julian's face and how his jaw was clenched, I would say that Chase's plan was indeed working.

And as if to prove my point, Julian stalked over to us and grabbed my hand pulling me away from his friend. "I do believe that Nadine is my date," he practically growled.

Yup, Chase's plan was certainly working. Without waiting for a reply, Julian walked out the door, pulling me behind him. I looked back at the two blondes who just winked and waved. Shaking my head, I tried to keep up with my 'date's' long strides which proved to be a somewhat difficult task.

"Julian, can you slow down?" Instead of slowing down, he stopped abruptly causing me to stumble slightly.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked after I had composed myself. He nodded stiffly.

Sighing, I placed a tentative hand on his arm. "You're not honestly mad at that stunt Chase pulled are you?"

He grunted in response. Whether that grunt meant he was confirming if he was mad or denying it, I couldn't really tell.

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