Prim and Proper

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Hellooo people! Once again, I apologise for the lateness of this chapter, but I have good news, and bad news. Let's start with the bad news:

1- I might not be able to post anything until maybe the end of the summer. Reason being, that We're going to spend the summer with my grandma and she probably be the only person in the world without WiFi. I'll see what I can do, maybe I can post from my uncles house, but no promises there.

2- This story is (sadly) coming to an end. But wait! Story wise, it'll be ending soon, but chapter wise there should be around another seven or so chapters.


1- If I am unable to upload for the summer for the reason listed above, my goal is to have this story finished by September, so I will hopefully have the remaining chapters written but they will only need posting.

2- Let's talk sequals!! This book may be coming to an end, but the story isn't. The sequal will be coming out shortly after this story is done, so keep your eyes peeled for that. I'm not going to tell you what it's about cause that will ruin the surprise.

Once again I apologise for the delay.

Vote, Comment and Fan!!


Chapter Twenty One

"Look, I already told you it was nothing!" Frustrated, I threw my hands in the air. He just wouldn't let it go, would he?

"Stop lying to me Nadine," he growled. "No one runs like that because of nothing, especially not when it's a girl coming out of an alley at night alone," he argued. He was trying his best not to lose his temper with me, but failing miserably at the same time. I should at least give him credit for trying.

Currently, it was a little past nine am in the morning and we were arguing in his car. He had waked me up by continuously knocking on my house's door. Grace and my dad being the heavy sleepers that they were, weren't fazed at all by the annoying noise coming from downstairs.

But let me tell you, if I knew what was coming after all that racket, I would have brought down my phone with me and thanked God that I was a light sleeper. It was one of those once-in-a-life-time things, those things that you really wish you had a camera with you for and curse yourself a billion times for not having one with you all the time.

Julian pouted.

Julian Blake, the guy everyone here was afraid of actually pouted.

But he didn't look cute or adorable, in fact he looked hilarious. So hilarious that he probably would have won America's Funniest Home Videos in a heartbeat. And me being me, I burst out laughing in his face.

But why he was pouting wasn't really important, what was important was the argument we were having right now.

"I'm not lying!"

He was convinced there was a reason I had been running last night before I had slammed into him. He'd dragged me to his car so that no one would over hear our conversation. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating. He didn't drag me, I went voluntarily, but now after knowing what was really coming after all the commotion he had made, I really wished I was a heavy sleeper.

He raised one of his eyebrows, "I know you are and I'm not letting you out of this car until you tell me."

I raised both my eyebrows, "Oh really?"

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