The Hangover

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Chapter Fifteen

The first thing that came into my mind when I felt myself leave the land of nod was the smell. It wasn’t the usual scent of my shampoo on my pillows, no this was… manlier? That thought made my eyes shoot open. The texture of the sheets was soft, softer than what I was used to and last time I checked, my sheets weren’t maroon either, they were purple. I sat up, this wasn’t my room. It was familiar, but I couldn’t figure out where I was.

At the sudden movement, my head began to throb more than it already did when I first woke up. Instinctively, one of my hands shot up to my head. I tried to remember where I had been last night, but it was like I had had my memories erased. An uneasy feeling went through my body at the realization that I could have been drugged or even worse.

Immediately, I moved the covers off my body, hoping to not see what I was fearing. A scream escaped my lips at the sight. I might have been fully clothed, but it didn’t change the fact that I was wearing a man’s clothes.

I screamed again. No! This couldn’t be! I couldn’t have lost my virginity just like that! Tears gathered in my eyes at the mere thought.

I didn’t even get to finish internally panicking.

A head shot up from the side of the bed. I screamed for the third time that morning.

“What the-”

He didn’t even get to finish his sentence before I cut him off, “What the hell am I doing in your bed?” I yelled, glaring at him.

“It’s too early in the morning. Ask me again in three hours,” Julian mumbled before dropping to the ground.

“Oh no you don’t,” I muttered as I scrambled across the bed. I found him sleeping on a mattress, his arm over his eyes in attempt to block out the light. This calmed me down slightly, okay so maybe I didn’t lose my V-card, but what was I doing in Julian’s room? I got off the bed and onto the floor so I could shake him.

“Hey,” I said trying to waking him up. I shook harder, “Julian, wake up.”

He groaned in response, “What do you want?” he grumbled.

“Why am I your room?”

“I’ll answer your questions later, just let me sleep now,” he compromised. I sighed in defeat. I wasn’t going to get any answers from him now. I decided to stay in his room, since I was probably in there for a reason and because I wasn’t ready for Grace’s questions at this hour. Even though it wasn’t that early, my head still hurt for some unknown reason. I paced around the room, unable to keep still.

If only I could remember what had happened last night! I knew that I was supposed to be having a sleepover with Grace, but here I was in Julian’s room with Grace nowhere in sight. My mind went through the endless scenarios that could have happened and let me tell you, none of them were pleasant. Once I couldn’t take it anymore I shook Julian again.

“Wake up!”

“I thought I told you to leave me alone?” he asked.

I ignored him, “What am I doing in here?” I hissed.

“If I answer your questions, will you leave me alone?”

I nodded. Groaning, he sat up. The sheet his body had been covered with fell down to his waist, giving me a great view of his lightly tanned chest and abs. I quickly adverted my gaze, trying my best to control the blush. I looked up to his face, which was a bad idea. He looked so… so… cute? I couldn’t find another way to describe him. He looked like a little kid who had just woke up and not like someone a whole town was afraid of for some unknown reason.

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