Party Time?

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Sorry for the long wait, but I have feeling that you guys will forgive me after you read it, plus it's fairly long too!

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Chapter Fourteen

The sound of the music pounding was giving me a headache. Not to mention the smell of the alcohol. I felt like someone was playing the drums in my head. And this is coming from the girl who was sitting upstairs, not down stairs where the sound system was. Of course Julian just couldn’t go for the normal sound system normal people had in their houses; no he had to buy one of those huge ones that were used in clubs. I could only imagine what would happen to my ear drums if I were to go down there.

“How long do these parties usually take?” I shouted to Grace, my hands covering my ears.

“I don’t know, sometimes they last till sunrise!” she shouted back.

I groaned. Julian was going to get an earful the next time I saw him. I was really grateful for the fact that Grace hated parties as much as I did. When I asked her about this she said that since she didn’t know anyone that was attending, why go? Another reason was, and I quote her exact words; ‘I can’t take watching all those tramps rub themselves on Chase knowing I can’t do anything about it.’

A loud knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. The knob turned but since the door was locked, it didn’t open. This had to be about the third time now someone had tried to get into the room.

“I know!” Grace exclaimed suddenly, “we could go the supermarket and get some food for our midnight pig out!”

“You’re a genius!” I told her before putting on my discarded sneakers. We opened the door and slipped out the room in the hallway. The music was now louder and the smell stronger. There were a few guys standing at the top of the stairs, each with a red plastic cup in hand. A couple were making out then disappeared into the room next to Grace’s. I waited for her to lock her room since we didn’t want any unexpected visitors then headed towards the stairs. One of the guys standing there winked at us and I just rolled my eyes.

“Hey babes, want to join us?” another one slurred.

Grace took my arm and dragged me behind her, ignoring his question.

“I don’t even know how my brother has the decency to befriend people like that,” she muttered under her breath. Agreed, I added silently. Going down the stairs got harder and harder with each step. There were more people on it, not to mention the sounder got louder and louder. It was a wonder these people haven’t gone deaf already. The only upside of this party was that someone else would get the blame for the things Grace and I did. Maybe there was chance of Julian not killing us.

“Hello sister! I see you’ve finally decided to join us!” Julian shouted over the music. He walked over to us from a group of guys he was standing with, while a pretty red head was latched onto his arm. Poor thing didn’t know she was going to get dumped in the morning. I don’t know why I felt my heart clench at the sight of them. I told myself it was because I felt sorry for the girl.

She rolled her eyes, “Yeah right. We’re going out,” she told him then left him standing there as we made our way to the front door. The smell of alcohol mixed with sweat filled my nostrils, causing me to wrinkle my nose in disgust. I don’t even know how these people could stand to stay at events like this for hours.

I kept on walking the best I could without having to bump into anyone, which was kind of hard to do. The last thing I needed was some drunken person to start swearing at me. I stepped over the garbage that was on the floor but then came to an abrupt stop. I looked to my side to see what was up with Grace and found her staring at someone, hurt and jealously glazing her eyes. I looked in the same direction only to see Chase talking to a guy while a blonde girl was hanging off his arm. When his gaze met mine I glared at him then put an arm around Grace, leading her to the door.

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