𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 // rumors of a holy war

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━━━AHOY! *peeks out from blanket cocoon and throws chapter* Here ya go! *returns blanket cocoon*

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GONE FOR A COUPLE DAYS AND SOMEONE PICKS A FIGHT WITH FAIRY TAIL. Dealana wasn't surprised when she heard they were looking for Lucy. The Heartfilia name was like a magnet for trouble, amplifying the guild's natural affinity for attracting chaos.

When she, Erza, Gray, and Camarin returned to the guild and found everyone recovering from an attack, tending to injuries, she had a feeling it had something to do with Lucy. Her gut was telling her it also somehow involved the weird memento left by her father. That ancient magic was danger waiting to happen. 

Clearly they didn't have to wait long.

"Is everyone here well enough for us to go after Lucy?" Dealana asked. Her gaze darted over everyone's worse for wear shapes, anger towards the guilty party growing like a burning fire within her veins.

Kinana nodded. "Yes, you're good to go. We'll be okay here."

"Natsu and Wendy took off with the exceeds not long ago too, you should be able to catch up with them and find Lucy and Michelle." Lisanna added.

Dealana's nose scrunched at the mention of Michelle. She'd forgotten about Lucy's supposed cousin or whatever. 

"Right." she mused, turning to Camarin. "Wanna come with?"

The exceed shook her head. "I'll stay here with a communication lacrima in case something else happens. I thought about sending a message to Rory too, he might know something about the people who attacked."

'That's right,' Dealana recalled. 'Kinana had a feeling these guys were involved with the churches being attacked recently.'

"That's not a bad idea, Rory might know something about all of this. Don't tell him everything though," she told her partner. "you know what things to keep vague."

"You got it, Dea-Dea!" said Camarin with a quick salute. She conjured her minty-green wings, unfurling them before flying off to retrieve a lacrima.

With half a plan in motion, Dealana took to the skies on a cloud with Erza and Gray close behind her. 

They followed the faint trail of smoke and ash left behind by an angered Natsu and eventually came upon a forest. Gray split off from Erza and Dealana after that. It wasn't intentional, the ice mage spotted Natsu's flames in the distance, like a moth drawn to light, and went off towards it. 

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