𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 // tempest temple adventures

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( Chapter 7 - Tempest Temple Adventures )



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Rays of golden morning sunlight streamed through a few spots on the wall where a wooden board had shifted loose, illuminating the early risers of the Fairy Tail Guild as they acquired their much needed dose of Kinana's specially brewed coffee. Macao Conbolt was among those early birds and took his chosen seat at the bar, taking in what the day would bring.

The guild's fourth master gave Kinana a grateful nod as he poured a bit of milk into the hot drink, watching as it swirled in the coffee, creating an almost cloud-like affect. It reminded him of Dealana, the guild's only remaining dragon slayer who had yet to return from her Storm Talon Trial.

As he thought about when he'd last seen her about two years ago when she first left, Macao wondered how much she'd changed. By his math, she would be seventeen years old. Now that was something to think about; Fairy Tail's Tempest had really grown up. Macao could still remember when she was only a small little thing fresh and new to the guild like it was yesterday.

He wondered how much she'd been able to grow in the two years since she'd taken on the special Storm Talon Trial with only Camarin by her side.


Somewhere in Fiore, sitting cross-legged atop a cobblestone tower with seaweed and coral in an array of vibrant colors growing from the grooves and crevices, Dealana sneezed. She blinked rapidly for a moment before going back to watching the schools of fish and other sea life swimming around outside the large bubble surrounding the ancient tower.

"Are you sick?" Camarin asked, glancing over from where she'd been closely observing a particular school of fish almost within her reach had their not been the magic bubble barrier. "I swear if you're sick I'm gonna swaddle you in a blanket cocoon that's suuuuper fluffy!"

Dealana shot her partner an amused grin, knowing without a doubt that Camarin would find a way to accomplish everything she described and shook her head. "I'm not sick. I think someone was either talking or thinking 'bout me, that's all."

Camarin's moss-colored eyes grew wide and she stared at Dealana with a look of awe. "Wait, that's a thing? Like an actual thing that happens?"

"It's like a superstition kind of thing, but not everyone believes it," The dragon slayer explained with a small smile. "You didn't know?"

"My knowledge is only so vast, Dea-dea (pronounced: DAY-DAY) I can't be smart in every field," Camarin teased as a means of avoiding her own faint feelings of embarrassment.

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