𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚜𝚒𝚡 // purging poisonous perception

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━━━ AHOY! Gotta love a good alliteration title. Also this chapter is almost 4k words of Dealana vs. Cobra. Happy reading!



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Cobra, while capable of hearing his opponents moves and gliding away with ease, struggled more with attacks that covered more than close quarters combat. Exhibit A, Dealana's wind-based storms. 

He crashed through a wall, leading into a strange tunnel chasm leading farther down then even Dealana's eyes could see. Cubes with intricate lines glowing with beautiful gradients made up the walls with protruding sides, allowing them places to land. 

Dealana followed after him, her feet touching the stone for only a second before she was leaping away and onto a quickly conjured cloud. A familiar (and greatly unwelcome) green goo expanded rapidly to cover where she would've stood had she not continued moving.

"Oh, for wind's sake, not him again," Dealana scowled, searching around for the source. "Where are you, you creep!"

She spotted Sugarboy on a slightly higher cube protrusion than them, but about level with Cobra.

"Whoooooo! Well, hot dog!" Sugarboy said from where he stood on a higher cube protrusion than her, but about level with Cobra.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you go after, oh I don't know—" she pointed at Cobra. "—him!"

"It's none of your business, darlin'," Sugarboy replied. "But if you must know, Lord Byro gave us strict orders to keep you and your friends away from the Infinity Clock, so that's what I'm doin'."

"Yeah, okay, but you realize Lord Byro and the Neo Oración Seis are enemies now, right?"

"There's a word for that— Craaaazzzzzzyyyyyy!" Sugarboy informed her before pointing over to Cobra. "Snake boy here will tell you the same thing."

"Will he now?" Dealana raised a brow and turned to Cobra, lips curling into an amused half grin. "Alright, let's hear it, snake boy."

Cobra's glare sharpened and he scoffed at Sugarboy. "Get lost, maggot."

"Say what?"

"May your own voice destroy you," Cobra said in the most flat, bored tone. He didn't even look as he raised his hand and extended it towards Sugarboy. 

The echoing, explosive force of Sugarboy's previous shout of 'Craaaazzzzzzyyyyyy!' returned in full force and then some, causing Sugarboy's magic to activate on its own. Dealana watched happily as he was overtaken by his own green goo, sent tumbling down into the dark chasm below.

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