𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛 // we'll keep waiting

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( Chapter 4 - We'll Keep Waiting)



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"Kinana and Dealana sure make a great team, don't they?" Macao remarked as he and Wakaba watched the two young girls go back and forth serving those who were left in the guild. 

Fairy Tail's numbers had dropped immensely after only a year. It hurt to see them go, but in Dealana's opinion, them leaving served as proof they lacked heart. Though she wouldn't deny that she was biased due to being in the guild for most of her life.

"They do, I just hope Dealana isn't overworking herself." Wakaba replied as they shared a worried glance concerning the sky-blunette.

Dealana had taken to working as an employee of Fairy Tail in order to help out while simultaneously keeping an eye on Kinana, but she also worked in Cress' tavern too. Working kept her busy and distracted from the reality that most of her family were gone. 

She figured sooner or later someone would confront her about overworking herself, but she had a plan that she worked out with Cobra—or Erik as he'd told her to call him after her fifth time coming to see him—during her most recent visit. The snake wizard proved a great help in creating little schemes like this when it came to avoiding trouble. Who would've thought?

If someone asked her about overworking herself, Dealana would be able to say that she was at least overworking herself at places she could be watched over rather than choosing to take long jobs from the board. And if she chose to take a job, Dealana would assure them that she wouldn't go alone since Gavin could see right through her clever plan and decided that he'd be the one to accompany her on said jobs.

The storm dragon slayer hadn't anticipated Macao and Wakaba knowing her better than she realized. But when she thought about it, it made sense. Those two were the uncles of the guild and helped raise Dealana when she first joined the guild at the age of four. Seeing through her plan didn't prove hard at all, but they couldn't exactly do anything about it.

"You two need to quit worrying about me, we've been over this." Dealana told them when she approached with their drinks.

"Your ears must be getting sharper if you heard us talking from the kitchens." Wakaba pointed out, trying to change the topic.

"Not really," Dealana shrugged, tucking the now empty tray under her arm. "with most people leaving, there isn't as much chatter. Honing in on conversations is just easier, I suppose."

"I don't know how we're going to be able to keep up with everyone leaving." Macao muttered, forgetting for a moment that Dealana happened to be present. 

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