𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 // heartfilia stomping grounds

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━━━AHOY! That awkward moment when I started to write a fight scene but forgot what Dealana could do... it's-- it's been awhile, alright?

Also, thank you all so very much for 900 followers! Y'al are something else, I swear. <3



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"It's where Lucy grew up. You've been here before, Natsu."

"Does the family still own it?"

"Well it looks like someone's been taking really good care of it."

Team Natsu, plus Dealana, assembled in front of the Heartfilia mansion, gazing up at the white walled exterior and all the intricate detailing. There was truth to Happy's words, the mansion looked to be taken care of from the outside, right down to the bushes and greenery. Nothing appeared neglected, everything properly and carefully maintained throughout the passing years.

"People have checked it out, but no one's made an offer to buy it." Lucy said in regards to the mansion's ownership. She stared at the large building with an almost sheepish smile.

"Can people even afford this place?" Dealana asked, genuinely curious.

Staring at the mansion in perspective of their size made her feel slightly uncomfortable, perhaps even a touch self-conscious. She'd lived in a cave for years before finally moving into a small apartment that she just barely managed to maintain. She couldn't imagine moving into a house like the Heartfilia mansion.

"Such good memories. Your house always reminded me of a beautiful palace out of a story book. I had so much fun here!" Michelle sighed happily.

"Wait, you've been here before?"

Michelle fell to her knees, her happy mood doing a complete one-eighty as she struggled to withhold her sobbing. "We-- we used to play to--together all the time!"

"Of-- Of course we did!" Lucy hurriedly exclaimed, trying to soothe the tearful Michelle.

"D'you remember all the pretty clothes you made for me?"

"Yeeeeah, sure! I remember!" Lucy stated nervously, tapping her pointer fingers together sheepishly.

"You make clothes?" Wendy asked Lucy.

"I never imagined you were the handy type." Carla added.

Even Erza smiled at the thought. "I bet you two must've been adorable."

Michelle nodded happily. "She used to make the cutest outfits out of colored paper and flowers."

Lucy let out a squawk of surprise, not expecting that answer. Dealana snickered behind her hand.

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