𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 // oh. hey, lyon.

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━━━AHOY! M'not super proud of this chapter's title, but it DOES make me laugh, so for now it shall stay. Hope you enjoy!



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IF ANYTHING POSITIVE CAME OUT OF THEIR FAILURE, it was how Natsu currently stood at six inches tall. Dealana found herself grateful she decided to keep a distance between herself and Dan during their previous fight. 

"Oh my! Can he stay like this?" MiraJane cooed.

Gray lifted Natsu from his perch atop Happy's head, holding him by the scarf. "You excited, Max? This is your chance to open up shop again. A life-like Natsu figurine, I bet it'll sell like hotcakes."

"I'm not a collectible, jerk!" Natsu shouted, waving his arms helplessly in the air as harmless flames spewed from his mouth with each heated word.

"Would you pipe down?! I'm trying to concentrate!"

Dealana turned her head from her cloud at the bar, observing as Lucy flipped through page after page of the picture book. The moment they returned to the guild hall, Lucy plopped herself at a table and began reading and re-reading through Key to the Starry Heavens in search of something to indicate the next direction they should take.

"There, all done!" Wendy said, stealing Dealana's focus. Wendy stepped back from Dealana, the healing green light fading from her hands.

"Thanks a ton, Wendy, my head feels much better." Dealana grinned. 

When everyone heard what happened at the Heartfilia mansion, Kinana insisted that Wendy ensure Dealana didn't have any injuries after falling through a collapsing floor. Apparently, Camarin left it in Kinana's hands to be Dealana's caretaker while she was gone.


"I've figured some things out." Lucy told them all, holding up the book. "This book for instance, my dad followed its story to the letter."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm saying there's more fact than fiction in its pages." replied Lucy. "The Key of the Starry Heavens is about a little girl who goes in search of six keys because they're said to bring happiness when they're all collected. Thing is, in finding her happiness, the young girl unknowingly brings sorrow and misfortune to everyone around her."

"That's no good. What a crappy ending." said Happy. Natsu, sitting atop his partner's head, nodded in agreement.

"Criticism won't help solve this any faster, tomcat!" scolded Carla.

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