𝚝𝚠𝚘 // guilt trip to the council

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( Chapter 2 - Guilt Trip to the Council )



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It took a long, grueling week, but Dealana managed to succeed in reigning in her emotions to the point where she had a suitable amount of control. Although, the Magic Council had expressed their concern about her stability, which led to her making a brief appearance to answer questions.

As Chief Ruby put it, Dealana dealing with the Magic Council would be her final test. If she could channel her emotions safely even whilst having to suffocate on the Council's perfume and egos, she'd be all right in the future. Needless to say, Dealana was successful but absolutely despised the amount of time she'd spent listening to their voices drone on and on.

On the plus side, she'd gotten to visit some people. With Mest/Doranbolt, or whoever he really was deciding to leave his work for the Council behind, Dealana took full advantage of the power he still held. 

Her first visit had been to see Jellal Fernandes. It was brief, but Dealana had managed to finally slip the promise bracelet she'd made back when he was arrested by Lahar. It was a braided mix of scarlet red and the blue thread she'd stolen from the cloak that Jellal had stolen from Erigor. She'd clipped on another Heart's Kreuz charm to match the design on Erza's everyday armor.

She knew that it was kind of pointless now, seeing as Erza was gone, but she figured it was better than nothing. Jellal had given her a grateful smile despite how broken he looked and probably felt, and wrapped the bracelet around his wrist.

Dealana's second visit had been to see Cobra. She sat cross-legged on the floor in front of his cell. Upon her arrival, he'd groaned, knowing that of all the people who would visit him, Dealana Ka'ino was at the top of the list. He didn't understand why and not being able to really hear her thoughts with how stormy and clouded her mind was didn't help.

"So, how are you?" Dealana asked him finally.

He scoffed and refused to face her directly. "Why are you here? Don't you have your fairy friends to bother?" Dealana's faint smile dropped instantly. 

"Don't answer my question with another question. And no, most of them are kind of... they're dead."

Cobra's head whipped in her direction, his purple eyes wide. "What?"

Dealana shrugged. "I guess they don't tell you much down here, do they? A big part of Fairy Tail is the annual S-Class promotion trial. This year, it took place on Tenrou Island, our guild's sacred ground and while they were doing their thing, a dragon by the name of Acnologia destroyed everything including the participants."

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