𝚜𝚒𝚡 // partner since right now

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( Chapter 6 - Partner Since Right Now)

// The writing style for this chapter is a bit different in this chapter. Can you tell? Let me know what you think, feedback tells me what I've done well and what I can improve on and I'd really appreciate it.

~ Bear ʕ≧㉨≦ʔ



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Months. It had already been four months since Erik broke out of prison along with Angel, Racer, and Midnight. Dealana knew how much she'd enjoyed her routine visits, but she hadn't realized how much she'd come to rely on them as a form of something stable and constant in her life.

Somewhere along the way, she refused to call him Erik after the stunt he'd pulled and went back to referring to the poison dragon slayer by his former codename.

Dealana hadn't seen him in any of that time either. And she looked. She looked and searched and scoured as far as the kingdom reached but to no avail. If Dealana couldn't even find him, Lahar and his custody enforcement unit definitely didn't have much luck.

Of course, her endeavors weren't without negative consequence and Dealana often overworked herself to the point of falling asleep in random places... like her current predicament.

Laying peacefully amongst a forest on the outskirts of a town she didn't catch the name of, Dealana's restless slumber didn't remain undisturbed for long.

"Hey. Psst! Hey, you," Someone whispered. Their voice was followed by the feeling of someone poking her cheek. "Hey. Hey. Are you dead?"

"Only on the inside," mumbled Dealana sleepily, her hand swatting with little precision at whomever found her passed out in the forest. "Let me sleep, I'm tired." She groaned before rolling over so her back faced the stranger.

"You're asking to be kidnapped by sleeping all the way out here."

That got Dealana to snort in quiet laughter and she no longer wished to keep sleeping. She opened one eye to peer at the new voice and they definitely weren't what she'd been expecting.

A little exceed sat beside her with gentle and curious moss green eyes. Now sitting up, the sky-blunette studied the flying cat with an arched brow. The exceed, guessing by their voice, they were female but Dealana couldn't be certain at first glance. They also sported grey fur with faint darker colored spots and extra tufts on their ears and jaw line, resembling a lynx.

"I doubt any kidnappers would keep me for very long if they even managed to get a hold of me," Dealana retorted with a wry smile (she was getting better at smirking, thank you Erik—er, Cobra). She narrowed her eyes at the lynx exceed, they looked vaguely familiar... but where had she met them? "Not to be bluntly rude or anything, but, uh, who are you?"

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