☁Moana!Deku x (???)!Reader (Part1)

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Moana au

Long chapter

Izuku and the many other children on this tiny island grew up listening to that story, the story of how the demigod Katuski stole the heart of Tefiti. Though many were too scared to listen, Izuku on the other hand, couldn't get enough of the story, his favorite part being "One day, the heart will be found by someone who will journey beyond the reef, find Katsuki, deliver him across the great ocean to restore Te fiti heart and save us all."

 This is just one of the few things that made Izuku different from the rest of the children. He had a strong sense of adventure and his eyes were always turned to the sea, which worried his mother, Chiefess Inko.

One day young Izuku was wandering along the shoreline, staring off at the horizon in wonder. As the waves wash over his small feet, he gasped in surprise when a beautiful shell washed up suddenly. Just as he was about to grab the shell, he noticed a lone baby turtle trapped under some roots as large birds fly overhead. Izuku quickly turned away from the pretty shell and helped the baby turtle to the ocean.

Izuku smiled as the turtle swam when suddenly the ocean moved unnaturally as it moved back. A section of the ocean pulled back, revealing the shell he had been looking at earlier. As the waters parted and revealed a path a trail of shells on the squishy sand. Izuku slowly and nervesly made his way down the path, not really caring to pick up the shells. Yet in the end, he could not help but awe at the beauty under the ocean surface. The water rose above him, and he stared up at it. The water covered his hair, flowing it so it curled up and mess with his hair. Izuku gigged when from the corner of his eyes, he saw a lovely jewel float towards him.

But before he could reach it a panicked and worried voice of his mother shocked him. The ocean quickly and safely floated Izuku back to shore and returned to its normal state. Inko relieved and terrified, forbid Izuku to sneak off to the ocean as he did. Even if this saddened him, he agreed and promised not to sneak off to the beach alone.

"I know, I know, but you don't go out there. It's dangerous. Izuku, come on, let's go back to the village. You are the next great chief of our people, my little minnow," Inko said as she picked him up, nosing him.

But as Izuku looked back he noticed a figure faced down on the sand, he was certain they weren't there before. "Mom look!" Izuku shouted as he pointed to the unconscious figure.

"Oh my goodness!" Inko gasped as she ran over to the figure.

It was a young child around Izuku's age, with lovely H/c hair and smooth s/c skin. They were brought to the village and were given the name Y/n. Most didn't know what to make of Y/n, they had no recollection of who they were or their origin. No one from any other land not far away claimed to know them. Y/n was a mystery.


Now, most were kind enough and welcomed Y/n with open arms, though many of the elders were wary of them, thinking they were some kind of spirit. Yet most of the children saw nothing abnormal about them and were welcomed among them. Izuku was very fond of them in particular. 

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