💗 vampire!Shinsou x male! reader

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Requested by AndreaJackson113

Living with a vampire is interesting in itself, but my life is constantly in danger. And it's not like I wanted this in the first place!

Where to begin, well I come from a village not too far from a castle. Ruled by a powerful vampire named Shinsou. Not only that, he is the reason why our village is well protected. So the big scary vampire demands us to send one person to him every 4 years. And guess who's turn it was to go have their fluids sucked dried. Me M/n.

I was quickly escorted to the castle and left at the front door to await my end. Know when I stood there, I was expecting to see an old and all-powerful-looking vampire. But instead, it was a tired-looking mess, that seemed to be my age. Shinsou was young, had purple gravity-defying hair, and was pretty pale.

But I was pulled inside as Shinsou ordered his servants to set a bath for me. Cause I was too filthy to consume right away.

After I was cleaned they tossed me a "nightgown".

After I was cleaned they tossed me a "nightgown"

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  And led me to the master bedroom. As I lay there as I tried to fall asleep so I would go out without pain.

But when I woke up, only to him just sitting there, like this was normal! He was reading some book, but when I tried to sit up a wave of wooziness passes over me. I moved my hand to my neck and felt small puncher wounds on my neck.

"Don't do that, you need to rest for a while," Shinsou said simply as he turned a page.

Maybe he was sparring me or something, but it was quickly answered. Like he could read my mind.

"I need you alive till the next sacrifice," He said bluntly.
"I'll send someone for you, and give you what you need,"

Shinsou gracefully slipped out of bed and left without another word.


Soon enough someone did come, one was a smaller boy with wild green hair and matching green eyes with cute freckles. The other was a taller guy with blue and a very serious look.

"Hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya or Deku if you'd like. And this is Iida Tenya were here to serve you on Master Shinsou's requests," Izuku said with a bow.

"Umm, thank you, I'm M/n," I said.

As I studied them I noticed their razor-sharp fangs as they smiled at me. I shouldn't be surprised that everyone in this castle is a vampire.

"It's nice to meet you M/n, this is a very interesting circumstance," Iida said bluntly.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously.


"Well normally Master Shinsou would send his sacrifices to the cellar, and we drain blood for him," Iida answered.

All the color drained from M/n as he fainted on his bed.

"Iida!" Izuku shrieked.

"What I was just answering his question," Iida said simply.

"Couldn't you have said it differently!" Izuku scolded as he tucked M/n in.

"Like 'you are just reviving special treatment', something like that,"

"That would have sounded better, I will make note of that," Iida said.


(3 years later)

It was interesting in the castle with Shinsou after getting to know him. He is a powerful vampire who took down many foes who wanted to take my village, so he created many enemies. There were a lot of cases where vampire assassins would try to attack him, but thankfully the guards and Shinsou were more than capable of fighting them off. And he for the most part is very lonely in his castle. So I started spending time with this odd vampire.

"Do you have to go to that boring meeting?" I asked him.

"Yes it's important that I go, but I'll finish before Dinner alright," Shinsou said as he gave me a quick peck on the lips.

As he left for his meeting, I decided to take a walk around the castle garden. Cause at the edge of the garden was the cliff that overlooked my town. It seems that the village grew in size, as the people walked to and fro without care. As much as he loved Shinsou, he couldn't help but miss his family, and his little brother Kota.


As M/n was about a return to the castle he was quickly tackled to the ground. M/n thrashed and kicked at his attacker, but being a human his strength pales at his vampire attacker as M/n struggled when he felt the vampire sink its teeth into his neck.

"Aaahh!" M/n cried out in pain as he feels his strength leave him.

"I find it amusing how the powerful Shinsou fell for a lowly lamb like you," the figure sneered as he dangled M/n over the cliff.

M/n was in and out of consciousness as he stared at his red-eyed, hand-covered attacker. Then he was released as he plummeted miles down and M/n remembered hearing was a familiar voice cry out.



As I felt my sense come back to me, I felt strange and I couldn't put my finger on it. Opening my eyes I was able to recognize the room I was laying in, it was Master shinsou's Chambers. I sat up with ease as I looked over myself, there are no bruises or scratches or bandages, I looked perfectly fine. But when I looked closer I noticed my skin was a lot paler than average. My skin was ice cold and I couldn't feel any of my pulses. I was suddenly pulled back down by a strong arm, as I looked over to the culprit. I was face to face with Shinsou, who was staring deep into my eyes with a small smile.

"Your awake, that's good," he says and he pulls me in closer.

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"Tomura tried to kill you, and you would have died so I changed you," he explained I rested my forehead on his chest.

"Changed me?" I asked curiously.

"I couldn't live my next thousand years without you, so I made you like me, a Vampire," as he gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you Shinsou," I said as I snuggled closer to him.

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