☁Merman!Todoroki x Princess!Reader

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Requested by scarlettflynn95427

Our story begins a long time ago, about a million years ago. Creatures called humans ruled the world above the waves. While the depths below were ruled by the Merqueen Mariana. The merfolk were a proud and hearty race, they had strong tails and could survive almost any ocean environment and can be found almost all over the world. For a time both mers and mortals lived in harmony. 

Until the Queen was found dead, by human hands. In a rage, her mate King Rato declared war on the humans that would last for hundreds of years. Though the merpeople may be hearty, the humans were smart and sneaky with their tools and illusions. They surprised the merfolk, with their strength, crafty tools, and strategy. 

The mers started to lose their numbers rapidly, from millions the population dropped to a thousand. So they quickly went into hiding, but unfortunate humans who sail too close to their homes tend to go missing. As the years passed the war settled down slightly as more fights between human kingdoms raised.

One day A royal ship was attacked by an enemy ship, while the others ran for the lives and escaped on lifeboats one passenger wasn't fortunate.

"Wait where is Princess Y/n?!" A guard asked as his crew.

"Don't know, she's probably gone under with the ship," An injured guard said.



The broken ship slowly sunk beneath the deep surface as the princess's lone figure slowly followed too. Y/n tried to swim up but a rope wrapped its self around her ankle and pulled her further into the depths. As she struggled and pulled against the rope, her boy slowly gave out as the last of her air rushed out of her lungs. As her eye's closed a long-finned figure swam towards her.

The mer pulled out a sharp shell and sliced away at the ropes, and quickly swam to the surface with the princess in his arms. The sun shined down on his wet white and red hair, as he looked down at the unconscious maiden. Admiring her beautiful H/c hair and smooth skin as he pulled them up onto a nearby beach.

Air quickly found their way into her as it forced out the water that once occupied her lungs. As she coughed up the water her eyes slowly opened up to see a figure staring down at her. Her E/c eyes slowly focused on the man above her. 

"W-who are you?" She groaned as she slowly pushed herself up.

"Umm Shoto," The red and white merman said.

"Shoto?" Y/n groaned as she slowly looked down to see Shoto's red and whitetail.

Y/n wanted to scream and run, but breathing still hurt and her limbs still felt too heavy to move. Though Shoto did notice the slight gasp, he simply sighed and backed off.

"Y-You saved me? Why?" Y/n asked.

"I'm not too sure, but I do know it was the right thing to do. Just because we merfolk do what we do, doesn't mean we enjoy doing it," Shoto said simply as he slides back into the water.

"Wai- umm, Thank you. F-for saving me, when could have let me drown," Y/n thanked.

Shoto smiled lightly with a small nod as he submerged under the surface. Y/n watched in awe as her rescuer slowly disappeared under the waves. 

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