Shoto x Guardian!Reader

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I remember when I first got my guardian. I was younger when my father was angry at my mother for some reason. I tried to protect her, but my father was bigger and stronger than my 5-year-old self. Just when he was about to strike, I felt a pair of warm and gentle arms wrap around me. I looked up to see an angel protecting me, that was when my guardian, Y/n, first appeared. My guardian wasn't a being of strength and power, but healing.

Endeavor at first was disappointed but realized that the power of healing, could lessen the downside of Shoto's quirk. So both master and guardian were pushed to their limits.

I remember the days where mom and I would simply relax as Y/n would play their lyre for us. When Mom couldn't join me, Y/n would accompany me, they were my only friend in that house. But one day.


"That crazy woman, hurting my masterpiece at such an important time," Endeavor grimaced but soon turned to y/n with a glare. " And you, you let your master get hurt! You are a pathetic excuse of a guardian."

Y/n simply stood with a sad expression, with a horrible and identical burn, like their master Shoto. From that day on, Shoto closed off his heart from everyone, even his own guardian. No matter how much the angel wishes to heal Shoto's hurting heart, Shoto refuses their aid.

"I don't need you. I don't need your or my old man's quirk," Shoto said coldly, not even looking at them.

Y/n could feel the pain in their master's heart but was helpless to comfort him. 

Years past and Shoto's closed heart turned ice-cold, as his attitude reflected that. He soon found himself alone, as most were intimidated by him. Y/n themselves had no one to turn to, and they knew full well that their master never wants to see them. When they are summoned, Shoto doesn't even turn to look at them. 

Y/n would have never guessed they would find some sort of comfort from another guardian, let alone a demon guardian. Guardians are rare, so two guardians ever meeting has rarely really happened. 

"Yikes, that sounds awful," a demon guardian of Izuku, Yuki said. "But none of those things were your fault."

"But I failed to protect my master from that burn. Endeavor was right, I failed," Y/n said with a  sigh.

The two guardians stood outside of the classroom, to not distract the students. With nothing better to do, they began talking. Though it was more of Y/n ranted, while Yuki listened, for they only came into being two days ago.

"I think Shoto is upset that you didn't save his mother from something out of your control and field of understanding. Your and our point of being is to care for our master, not his family, and how to counsel them," Yuki said simply. " But I'm surprised that Shoto never let you heal his scar."

"By the time he would somewhat utilize my power, I could not heal that burn. He... won't even look at me, and when I help neutralize his pain. He simply pushes me away," Y/n said as they sadly strum their lyre.

"I-is it possible for guardians to run away, maybe you can run away," Yuki suggested.

"And become a rouge Guardian! No no, Shoto is just in pain. I'm sure he will soften soon," Y/n said hopefully.

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