Male! Naga! Reader x BakuTodoDeku

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This story was requested by Monokumafan226

(Slight caution, this story has a mention of snake Anatomy, Birth, and egg-laying. So if uncomfortable proceed with caution or skip the chapter)

"Careful, this cargo is very deadly and delicate," the Manager said as Soldiers steadied the cargo's cage. "Bakugou open the gate into the enclosure.''

Bakugou nodded as he pulled the large door open, the others slowly lined up the crate and the door. Shoto quickly climbed up onto the crate and slowly lifted the crate door. The monster inside was still as all the shoulders readied their tasers. Suddenly the monster slams the side of the cage, causing Shoto to slip and fall of the side. The creature inside grabbed the white and red-haired boy by his ankle and attempted to pull the boy in.

Bakugou quickly acted, grabbing Shoto's hand, and tried to pull his co-worker out of the monster's grasp. The others quickly started to poke the creature with their tasers on a stick.

"Taze him! Taze Him!!" The manager shouted.

 The Naga screeched in pain as it quickly released Shoto and slithered away into the lush enclosed.

"Thanks, Bakugou," Shoto thanked slowly as Bakugou pulled him to his feet.

"Just pay better attention next time," Bakugou scoffed as he walked off.


Inside the observation lab, Izuku and Mono looked into the enclosed from the second floor, scanning for the Naga.

"Can you see it?" Izuku asked.

"No, so according to the information this Naga is supposed to be gravid," Momo said as she flipped through her papers.

"Yes, meaning that we will have more specimens to observe and study," said the head scientist.

"Yes, we could observe Naga's life development," Momo agreed.

Izuku stared back into the enclosure and saw a (scale color) tail sticking out of the bushes below. The young Naga slowly climbed his way up a large tree, to get out of the view of the humans. His oviducts were aching for a while now, yet all the stress of current events wasn't helping him.

"Why are these humans so cruel," the Naga mumbled to himself.


(4 days later)

These past few days were hell on earth, these humans some in with their strange weapons that fire strange fluffy thing. The moment it bites my skin, I lose all control of my body as I fall asleep. These humans would poke and pride me while doing all sorts of random things to me. Especially feeling up my tail, to feel for my eggs. These humans wanted my Babies, and I won't let them have them.

The only kind human was the one with wild green hair, wh didn't do anything to me but feed me, and talk to me. He seemed to be the only one to notice I was in pain. Though I can't be sure if I can entirely trust him, so most of the time I distract him by asking about him. 

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