☁Giant!Izuku x Outcast!Reader

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Requested by Suga_Bunny

I wasn't always alone, I once lived in a peaceful village, hidden away by the cliffside. A peaceful town, a loving family, a once-normal life. Till the giants and Dragons came, they appeared out of know where and smashed the town into dust and ash. Everyone who was caught was eaten alive, and I was the only one who escaped that day. I managed to escape to the kingdom Seris, but when I told them what happened to my home,  they simply laughed it off of course they wouldn't believe it.

With no other relatives or friends in the kingdom, Y/n felt alone and outcasted. The gossip of Y/n's story spread through the town, and they were quickly seen as a crazy person. With their tales of man-eating giants and dragons.

So Y/n would spend most of their days reading near the sides of the cliffs on the outskirts of the kingdom. They would read many books from History to fantasy, fantasy being their favorite. One day when heading out to their favorite spot on the cliffside, they noticed that it changed. The cliff went out more than it once did, and the grass was darker than the rest.

They slowly stepped onto the grass, which was surprisingly soft. So they happily sat down on the soft grass and read aloud to no one in particular. All too unaware of the giant that was listening in.


This became routine for the next year as Y/n returned to that spot, to read their stories to no one in particular. As they read, they would find themselves slowly drifting to sleep. Yet when they wake up they find themselves someplace far away from their special spot, which seemed to have disappeared. Yet the next day it reappeared in the same place as usual.

When one day, an army of no men came sauntering towards the outer village of the kingdom. All armed with swords and fire arrows; They began to raid the village as screams for commoners could be heard. Y/n watched in horror as they rounded women and children as they killed the men and knights. Y/n trembled as they stepped back, wanting to disappear and not be seen. Suddenly their foot ran out of ground to stand on as they began to fall, and everything went dark.


'What is that? Who is on top of my head?' the giant wondered.

Every day the Green-haired Giant would rest by the cliffside and listen to the crashing of the waves. Then one day he felt something, a human, wandered onto his head. he began to sweat nervously as he felt the human happily sit down on his head.

Humans always ran away from him because of his inhuman size; an average-sized human would be the size of his hands. Yet he was not really treated well among his peers, for he was the smallest among them. So to escape them he would rest by the sides of the cliffs. This was the first time a human was this close to him. He could feel them sit down or sometimes lay down on his head and read to him.

He could hear and feel his heart pound in his chest when the human's doze off on his head. He slowly and surely picked them off his head and softly placed them on his palm. His cheeks turned a cherry red as he watched them curl up snuggly in his hands. They looked so peaceful as the wind blew through their H/c haired. They were so small and fragile, yet so smart and full of potential. They were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.  He could never understand why his peers would rather eat these tiny humans than help them.

Sadly those moments never last forever when the kind giant hears the calls. With a heavy heart, he slowly placed his favorite human down on the safe ground near the village and left for the forbidden mountains.

"Deku! Where are you?!" Shouted the leader of the giants.


But today was different, they didn't fall asleep near the end of their book, but gasped in horror. Izuku began to sweat, worried if the human had figured out that they were sitting on his head the entire time. Then suddenly they fell, it all happened so slowly as Izuku watched the tiny human fall off his head, with wide E/c eyes full of fear as they blacked out. Izuku quickly caught the tiny human with his large hands.

Izuku turned to see that the village was being raided, he didn't want to leave this human anywhere near here but also didn't want to leave them alone. So he held the human close to his chest as he whisked them away to his home in the forbidden mountains.


'I'm still alive? How I fell off the cliff. I should be dead, shouldn't I?' Y/n wondered as they forced their eyes open.

As they slowly sat up and as their eyes slowly took in their surroundings. It was a dark rocky cave that was light by hundreds of half-melted candles. All of the furniture was obviously too big for any human. They looked down at themselves to find them laying in a makeshift bed of all different kinds of cloth.

Suddenly the door to the cave opened and in stepped a giant with dark wavy green hair and big kind green eye's to match. At first, Y/n just watched in shock as the kind-looking giant tends to his terrariums, which housed live flocks of sheep. All content inside their little large glass box.

Y/n could feel their heart flutter at the kind smile on his face, but it quickly froze as their eyes. Both shrieked in shock as they both stumbled back. Izuku quickly snapped out of it first as he saw the human about to fall off his table. He quickly ran over to save them from falling again.

"H-hey, hey, you're safe now. I'm not going to hurt you," Izuku said softly.

"S-so you're not going to eat me, like-like the others?" Y/n trembled.

"No I'm a vegetarian," Izuku smiled nervesly. 

"Oh, that's nice. So... Why am I here?" Y/n asked slowly.

"W-well I umm, thought you didn't want to return to that village, cause you know... It was being destroyed so I brought you here," Izuku explained.

"W-well that's nice of you, but... Why me?" Y/n asked nervesly.

"Umm, w-well... so..You... were the first human to ever be so close to me. You were so brave to sleep on my head," Izuku stuttered, " I-I loved it when you would read to me every day. It was nice having company."

"So your just lonely?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Your just the first being that was ever kind to me, and I just... didn't want to see you go yet," Izuku mumbled as he rested his head on the table. as he tried to cover his red face.

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at the Giant's bashfulness, This was probably the first time he ever talked to a girl.

"Well thank you for saving me. My name is Y/n, what's yours?" Y/n asked with a smile.

"I-Izuku Midoriya, It's nice to meet you too," Izuku blushed as he felt Y/n's tiny hands on his finger.

And that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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