💔Fenrir!Bakugou X Reader

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Requested by mbaird422

Fenrir: also referred to as Hróðvitnir and Vánagandr, or Vanargand, is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology.

The war between monsters and humans reined for eons, till finally a peace treaty was formed. The monsters, Prince shouto the Phoenix, Kirishima the boulder golem, and  many other signed the treaty. As well as many humans, like King All Might, Knight Aizawa and Healer F/n. (Father's name)

And thanks to the treaty Both mankind and monsters experienced a time of peace. Well all except one, The god of destruction Tomura. The era of Peace displeased him greatly, so much he sent his Fenrir Bakugou to Kill the humans responsible.

Bakugou with a sigh raised to the surface, and looked over the horizons. As he traveled across the land, the more the god demanded to speed his process. Bokugou quickly got an annoyed, on top the fact he already despises Tomura. So Bakugou decides to annoy Tomura and disobey his orders.


Y/n the healer lives in a small village with both monsters and humans, it was a humble place, close to a large forest and large rivers. Today Y/n and her friend Izuku the pegasus were in the forest, collecting herbs and other plants. Y/n sat on the ground as she inspects the herb plants around her, as Izuku kept watch.

As Bakugou traveled through the forest he picked up the scent of one of his targets. He quickly transformed into something more approachable. He quickly turned into his human form, that looked beat up and wounded as he stumbled his way over to them. 

The two noticed and Izuku was quick to help this "injured" fellow. Y/n helped the boy onto Izuku's back as they made their way back home. Even though Y/n may not know who this man was, Izuku certainly did. 

"Kacchan?What are you doing here?" Izuku asked nervesly.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Bakugou sneered in a whisper.

"You never come to the surface un--Less he. Your not here to hurt Y/n are you?!" He asked in a panicked tone.

"TCH! It's none of your business,"He whispered again.

As the creature layed in bed, Y/n eventually arrived and got to work on Bakugou's "injuries". 

"So were are you from?" Y/n asked as she wrapped His wounds.

"No where, I go where the wind takes me," Bakugou said simply.

"Oh, but You must have a home town right?" Y/n asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"It was.. destroyed, along with family and friends," He snapped, turning away from Y/n.

"I'm sorry, it was during the war wasn't it," Y/n apologized as she petted his head.

A long time ago the Fenrir clan was one of the most feared monsters, so may human warrior would search them out and kill them. It soon became a sick type of sport to the humans, and soon it was believed that all the  Fenrir were slain.

"Easy for you to say, you still have your family," He sneered.

"My mother passed away years ago,my father disappeared after the war, never really got to know him," Y/n sighed.

Bakugou quickly swatted her hand away and growled as his ears shown through his disguise. Y/n sighed with a tired smile as she cleaned up her medical supplies.

"You don't need to hide your self here, This village belongs to Minsters and Humans," She said as she left his room.


After a couple months he got better and could finally leave the house. And Bakugou some how managed to form a friendship with Y/n, much to Tomura's displeasure. Y/n was none the wiser that Bakugou was a Fenrir , she thought he was a simple Werewolf.

"Are you see you don't want to come to market, and just sit on your rump all day?" Y/n asked.

"I don't need to babysit you," Bakugou said, as he layed on the couch.

"Alright your highness," Y/n laughed.


(Late winter)

When ever Y/n would go into the forest Bakugou would follow not to far behind, almost glued to the hips. Cause he knew that the God of destruction was angered by him, and didn't know where he might strick. As they crossed the River by jumping over rocks,Y/n's foo slipped and she was Quickly swept away.

"Bakug-" Y/n was cut off when her head slammed against a rock by the rough current.

"Y/N!!!" Bakugou Shouted, as he quickly changed into his Fenrir form and quickly chased her down the river.

He quickly jumped into the river and quickly pulled her out of the river. Searching around he quickly found a cave and and took shelter.  Her body was freezing and started to loose her color, so Bakugou cuddled up to her. Y/n's eyes fluttered open slightly, just to see a giant ash blond Fenrir laying next to her. Though her attention was soon pulled the softness of it's fur and it's warmth, as she soon fell back into sleep.

"Thank you Bakugou,"

His eyes widened in surprise as he looked down at this fragile human, 'How did she know it was me,' The thought to himself. She didn't scream or thrash, she was calm. This put his heart a ease as he rested close.

Back in the underworld, Tomura was seething as he watched everything play out. His servant disobeyed him and befriended his traget.

"Fine, then I guess I have to do it myself," He said as he grabbed his scythe.


(a month later)

"Stay safe on your hunt, Bakugou," Y/n said as she gave him a peck on the check.

"I won't go to far," Bakugou said as he returned her kiss.

As Bakugou left the village and into the wooods, he failed to notice the dark clouds over the distance. Inside Y/n was preparing her herbs, when the plants around her started to wilt all around her. As she turns around, there stood Tomura looming over her with his deadly scythe.  With a cruel smile he raised his scythe over his head.

Bakugou slowly made his way through the snow, with a heavy boar on his back something caught his attention. A strong smell of ash and blood. He quickly dropped the his kill and rushes back to the village, only to find a giant shallow sink whole were the town used to be. As he stood near the edge he Saw the looming figure of Tomura, laying lifeless beneath him was Y/n.

"I finished your Job, Bakugou," Tomura said simply. "Your free to do what ever you want, cause I no longer need you,"

Tomura quickly dissolved into dust and flew on the wind to who knows where. Bakugou quickly ran over to her and shook her, begging for her eyes to open.

"My handsome Fenrir," She giggled slightly, as she weakly drew her last breath.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry," Bakugou apologized, as tears welled up in his eyes.

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