Yandere!Lockness!Deku X Reader

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Requested by mbaird422

I don't even why we live here, in this damp dark swamp. My "parents" were very odd people. They were extremely superstitious about the monsters that lurk outside, just out of sight they would tell me. And for the longest time I didn't believe them as they locked me away in my room for days on end. They told me it was for my own good the repeated when they would slide my food into the room.

I would have still not believe them about their weird monster things, if it weren't for my tiny drider friend. Who was the size of a tea cup. His name was Shinsou. He was my only friend in that dusty old room, who kept me company in the dark. 

"Why do you think they lock me in here?" Y/n asked her tiny spider friend.

"Well it's not uncommon for monsters way large than me gain a taste for human meat. So maybe there's a monster after you. Or they're just some crazy old farts," Shinsou said resting on Y/n's shoulder. 


Soon the two heard frantic talking just on the other side of the door. It was her parents talking about there was a demon in her room, they didn't want it there anymore and planned to kill him soon.

Y/n couldn't let that happen, so in the late of night she picked the lock to her room. Quietly She and shinsou creeped out of the house and made there way to the lake. There on the lake was a tiny boat, as Y/n rowed further and further out Shinsou spoke up. 

"You didn't have to save me, though I am happy  you're away from those crazies," He said resting on her leg.

"Yeah, but where do we go now is the next challenge," Y/n said as she rowed.

" Probably best to get out of the swamps, many monsters bigger than me live in these swamps," Shinsou suggested.

As they continued something bumped the boat. Shinsou started to tense up as he felt a terrifying presence circle them. 

"Y/n we need to be careful!" Shinsou shouted.

Suddenly the boat flipped and shinsou's screams were the last thing Y/n heard as the world turned black.


As Y/n slowly opened her eyes, she was meet with a pair of emerald green eyes staring down at her. She jumped but quickly settled down when see noticed that she was on a boat. The boy had wild green hair and cute freckles on his cheeks. He sat on the opposite of the large boat rowing it along the lake.

"W-who are you?" Y/n asked.

"My name is Izuku Midorya, Y/n," The boy smiled as he continud to row.

Before Y/n could ask how he knew her name, something came to mind. She looked around, but couldn't find Shinsou. Her heart twisted and ack as she could feel the hole in her heart grow, the place her friend occupied. Tears started to run down her cheeks as she curled into a ball. Then  she suddenly felt a gentle yet cold hand slide under her chin, making her look up at Izuku.

"Don't cry dear, I'll take care of you," Izuku smiled.

Even thought the smile looked sincere, Y/n couldn't help but shiver under his gaze. Not just because she was drenched, but she could just feel something sinister behinds those pure looking eyes.

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