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Just dancing, right? They were just dancing.

I've spent all afternoon pondering thoughts of her. Special things like her big golden brown eyes, her lips, oh everything about her. This girl is driving me nuts. One question always clouds all the others, does she love him?

I'm not humble enough to wait for an answer to come out after a series of events that only lead to heart break. Then I know it has been weeks without talking, but I need to know.

The second I got the chance I'd ask her, I would have to take it. Before I knew it, I could hear the door colliding behind me. I almost stumble over my feet at the spiking nervousness in my throat. Elana throws her spiderman bag on the counter and sits down.

"Do you love him?" she looks up at me, obviously shocked and confused.

"who?" she didn't see me last night.


"What would make you assume that? You think I'm a slut now too?" on the inside I'm furious. She is so sensitive and I can't do anything about it. I don't let it show, but allow my face to keep a neutral expression.

"I'm sorry... it slipped. I know you don't think that." I give her a half smile in return.

"But it is none of your business remember?" how could I forget?

"Elana I need to know." my fists are clenched and I feel like my palm may be bleeding. She stands up from her seat and stands right in front of me.

"Aaron has been a gentleman. He is like a brother to me... of course I'm not in love with him! What the hell is wrong with you?" Oh dear god I don't think I can handle another fight.

"Excuse me?" we both turn around to see my little sister standing a few feet away with two CDs in her hand.

"Oh- hey Olive, what is it today hun?" she hands me the 5sos and one direction CDs. I smile at her choices. You wouldn't guess we were siblings, we both have blowfish brownish waves... which is about the only thing that's similar.

"Alright is that it?" She nodded and my mom appears behind her.

"Honey those things in your ears are getting too large! People probably think you have a medical condition!"

"Mother, nobody thinks that." She tilts her head at me and then looks at Elana.

"See I liked them when they were that size!" she gestures to Elanas double zeros. I just shake my head at her.

"Mom, I'm working!" she smiles at Elana not even listening to my comment.

"Hi, I'm caren, Eli's mom! I love your dress by the way you look absolutley stunning!" I cannot disagree with that. El just blushes and I take in the way she smiles, when she shows her teeth she bites the inside of her cheek.

"I'm Elana and thank you so much!" my mother winks at me while waving goodbye, but the second she left, Elana went back to hating me. Everytime she won't look me in the eye it's like an arrow in my heart.

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