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It has been a few days since Eli and I made up.

I'm trying to keep my distance from him. It's the fact that I don't want to damage him more than I already have. I can't get attached, at least not right now. In truth, I feel like if Eli weren't here I'd be dead. But then again I kind of wish I was.

Gretchen and Aaron met again yesterday. Aaron couldn't stop talking about her afterwards, he told me that this was his chance, to get right with himself and he needed to start seeing people again. I quickly clapped my hands at that. Aaron was in love with Cassie, and she broke his heart little by little without even noticing. Cassie was a wonderful woman but she had a hard time deciding what was right for her. It made me so happy to see Aaron get back out there. He really deserved it. He's asking her out today.

Dan is coming up in a couple weeks to see me. However, he is not staying over night because my mother doesn't 'trust me' or whatever. I'm just happy to see him.

Then there's the fact that Eli and I are working together today. We only have 15 minutes until close and it's pouring rain again, not to mention it's freezing, This walk home is going to be interesting. I feel a tap on my shoulder and flinch because I've been staring out of the store waiting for the rain to stop for twenty minutes now.

"Hey, you need a ride home?" Eli said after I turned around to look at him. Reluctantly I shook my head and grabbed my jacket.

"No, uh Aaron said he'd pick me up." I told a small lie. Who cares?

"Okay, I'll uh... see you later then." I nodded awkwardly as he left the store. I didn't want him to see me walking home so I waited a couple of minutes, closed up quick, and left, pulling up my hood that didn't really do much other than getting a few less raindrops on my head.

After I'd been walking for a huge total of forty five seconds and getting drenched, Eli's pick up truck pulled up next to me. He rolled down his window and frowned.

"El, the radio said there was going to be severe thunderstorms, please get in the car, we need to get to safety. I'll drive you home right after the storm is over." I hesitated but got decided to get into the truck.

"How did you know Aaron wasn't picking me up?" I said when I got into the truck. It was warm and reminded me of Aaron. I think peoples cars are a good representation of who they are.

"You lie a lot. I've picked up your tricks by now." he said simply as I furrowed my eye brows at his response.


"Tricks, habits, signs whatever you want to call them. You don't look me in the eye, you tap your fingers, you bite your lip." he said this, simply; like it was obvious.

"I didn't know this." my voice drifted when he pulled into a driveway/parking lot. I didn't even notice it but he was driving through a rich neighborhood with long driveways, but this house was the biggest there because instead of a long drive way they had a tiny culdisack as a drive way. he hoped out and walked over to my side of the truck and opened the door.

"Eli what are we doing here?" I asked him as he helped me out of the car. When I got down I had kind of a dizzy spell. My vision got all screwed up and I almost tripped. He wrapped his arms around my waist to support me when we started walking.

"You okay hun?" my stomach did flips when he said hun, but I tried my best to ignore it and just nodded.

"This is my parents house. It was closer so I thought we'd come here." he said while hitting a buzzer thing. it rang and I could here a womans voice asking who it was coming out of the speaker. all of this was new to me.

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