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The doctors won't tell me anything yet. They say she hasn't even woken up... this is all I know. It's been hours of sitting in a chair and tapping my fingers. The people next to me were all on their phones, seeming annoyed of my nonstop tapping. But, hello! this is a hospital, we're all waiting for answers. How are they all relaxed?

They finally permitted me to wait for Elana outside of her room for a while until she is allowed visitors.

"Do we have the sister of Elana Crest here?" A male doctor asked the nurses. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Sir, Elanas sister passed months ago." He took in this information and walked away without saying anything else.

I kept pacing in the hallway, waiting for someone to tell me to go in. Every moment was long and painful without knowing what was happening inside the room I wasn't allowed into. The doctor came back.

"I am diagnosing Elana with Transient Amnesia. She knows who she is and most current things, but the only thing I can figure out she doesn't remember is her sisters death. Basically there may be some things she doesn't remember but if this is what I think it is, it won't last too long." She might not remember me? was all I could think.

"You can visit her now." he said, gesturing to the door. I eagerly walked inside and closed the door behind me. She was sleeping lightly, her skin was pale and she looked frail. I took a seat next to her.

I lifted her small hand and intertwined our fingers, she flinched and her eyes flickered open.

"Babe?" she saw me and flinched backwards, leaving my hands alone; again.

"Eli? Why are you here?" My heart hurt. I knew it was temporary, but damn it hurt.

"Hey um, god-fuck" I choked on my words trying to find something to say without crying. She looked at me with worried eyes, like how she'd look at a stranger she felt pity for.

"Well, the doctor says you might have some temporary memory issues so, uh I'll leave if you want?" She shook her head.

"Memory issues?" her voice sounded pained.

"There's probably a few big things in the last couple months you don't remember... right now."

"Like what?"

"Like me... and your sister."

"Can you please call Cassie? No one's listening to me."

"That's what I need to tell you." her eyebrows furrowed.


"Cassie drove off a bridge... about three months ago."

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