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"El... listen, I can explain, I-I was in high school..." My voice came out deep and got caught in my throat when an unexpected thing happened. She looked at me, tears about to spill out of her eyes, grabbed all of the razors from the drawer, ran over to my bathroom and threw them into the trash can. The bad thing is... all I could think about in that moment was "please don't hurt your pretty little hands". Then just when I thought she was going to storm out on me, Elana came back out and wrapped her arms around me tightly, almost knocking me over from how fast she ran up to me. I hugged her back, missing the feeling of her nose nuzzled into my neck. She hugged me like it would hurt for her to let go. I feel horrible. This is my fault.

"Even if it was just in high school, it still happened. I never ever ever want you to feel that way. Please promise me you'll never go back to those." she said while sniffling into my t-shirt.

"I promise Elana." I looked down and noticed she was wearing my old t-shirt. A smile crept up to my lips as she looked up at me. I took my thumbs and brushed the tears out of her eyes when they eventually stopped. She wasn't wearing makeup and I loved that.

"You are beautiful." I bursted out. It slipped because I just kept thinking about it, but its good, I think... at least now she knows that. Her cheeks flushed pink. She wormed out of my grasp and sat down on my bed.

"Can I, uh sleep in here with you?" she asked. I nodded. Of course she can. I wasn't trying to get her into bed like most guys would but I liked the idea of just sleeping next to her.

She climbed into the covers on the right side while I turned off the lights climbing into the left side. We were pretty close and there was a faint light coming from the moon outside and another light coming in from under the door. She turned and faced towards me. I was about to say something when she cut me off asking me, "Can I try something?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure what is it?" I asked somewhat uneasily. She scooted closer so that our faces were inches apart and my breathing started to pick up. She grabbed my hand from under the blankets and placed it on her cheek and neck. She closed her eyes and mine fluttered to her lips. I leaned the upper half of my body so that our lips brushed and I could smell her breath that smelled like toothpaste. I grinned and leaned foreword quickly not being able to handle all of the tension. I melted our lips together, pushing our noses in funny positions. I could feel her giggle under me and re-position. My stomach was having a fit, there was fucking fireworks all over my body. I moved my other hand so that I was cupping the back of her neck and it deepened the kiss. Then I pulled away with so much lust left I could continue for hours.

"I think I'm glad we tried that." she grinned, I laughed at her cheeky comment and laid back down. She rolled so she was laying on her side. Her hand reached back and searched for mine under the covers. When she did she grabbed it and pulled it so it draped over her waist and intertwined her fingers with mine. I scooted the rest of my body so I was lying behind her. My nose nuzzled into her neck and she giggled when I placed small kisses on her collarbone and the back of her neck. We fell asleep with smiles on our faces.


I woke up with the lingering presence of Elana in my bed and just assumed she was just hanging out with my mom. I sat up while my eyes adjusted to the light. Someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"You can come in Hun, I just wo-" I was cut off when I found that the person in my door way was not Elana it was in fact, my father.

"hi son." he said with an angry expression. He looked worse than ever. His stomach was growing a pot belly so his suits were unflattering and his hair was turning grey, that made me smile.

"Hi dad, sorry I thought you were-" he cut me off again.

"Explain to me why you and that chick are in my house?" I sighed.

"Dad, this is technically mother's house and we both know that. And mom cares about me so Elana and I came here so we didn't get caught in the storm." I smirked.

"Get out of my house, and don't come back you ungrateful little-"

"Shit, bastard, bitch? Try a new one dad cause the other ones lost their effect. Oh wait they never had one? You know why? Because you are some cunt living off of my mother's money. She raised three kids all on her own and one of them is a prick because of you! I never needed a dad. Mikey thought he did and that's why he is the way he is. And Olive is confused as hell, she's lost because her own father is too fucking selfish to go to her dance recitals or even listen to her at the dinner table cause you're probably off with some slut instead of being a good husband, a good father, a good person. You're ungrateful." it was all building up inside of me and I wanted to hit my father right then and there but instead I walked passed him with my shoulder pushing his.

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