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AN: Sorry I do not know many facts about this, or even if I'm wrong about this process, also I do not know if anorexia can have this effect.

It all happened quickly.

Coffee with Aaron one moment, the next I was paralyzed, my muscles gave in and my blood ran thin. Within that moment I couldn't think of anything, only the sound of my heartbeat beating slowly. Down with my eye lids, then my arms, then my legs. Down with my body, colliding with the floor.

Quiet voices saying, "wake up Elana!"

Get up.

Every part of me slowly shut down like lights in a building. Room by room, muscle by muscle. Then suddenly all the lights were out. Could I be dreaming?


I saw faces I didn't even recognize hovering over me. Who are these people?


A light was shun in my eye. Why can't I open them back up?


I blinked. My eyes tried to make out blurry figures and fuzzy outlines, blinking until they could stay all the way open and I was in a place I didn't recognize.

An uncomfortable bed, lightweight pillows and fluorescent hues.

For some reason I couldn't sit up. IV cords ran up my arms, but unfortunately they weren't strong enough to lift the lightweight that has become my body.

Things started beeping and nurses ran into the room.

"Where is my sister!" I asked... or more like yelled at them as they crowded around me. The beeping got louder when they didn't say anything.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER!" I shouted louder, hoping to grab their attention. My eyes searched around for Cassie and I leaned forewords hoping I could see her standing in the doorway. All the nurses looked at each other and one of the woman to my left put her hand on my shoulder.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to calm down, we have not yet been notified about if your sister is here or not and we will let you know when we have this information." My chest rose and fell but I was still looking past the nurses bodies, my eyes not meeting my sister but only an empty hallway. Then a boy appeared, he looked like Mikes brother. I don't know why my ex boyfriends brother would be here to check on me. Did something happen to Mike too?

A hand pushed my shoulder so I laid back on the bed, in hope that my sister would come see me soon.

All of the nurses voices were stressing me out and I didn't want to hear them. I made my hands cup my ears and continuously kept shaking my head, still hearing every single word, still seeing every confused look.

A doctor came through, pushing all the nurses out of his way, he gently brought my wrists from my face. He turned his head back to look at the several nurses.

"Clear the room, she needs space. She's having an anxiety attack." He said in a calm voice. He was a bigger man that looked to be about 40. He had stubble on his face and a deep voice. Everyone flooded the room but Eli, Mikes brother stayed in the doorway, looking at me with worried eyes.

"Hello Elana, I am Dr. Nelson. I will be taking care of you until you are free to leave." I nodded and he brought a chair next to my bed.

"I have not been able to look much in your file, so can you tell me about yourself?"

"Um, I'm 20, no 21, no... I uh, I can't remember. I-I uhh live with my sister in a town next to Leeds. Can you call my sister?" He nodded.

"I can try to get a hold of her. And your other family?"

"My dad died when I was young, my brother is in high school. I haven't seen him in a while because my mother made me move when I graduated."

"I am very sorry, do you know where you were last or how you got here?" He questioned.

"I had coffee... with Aaron. I don't remember really... the night before... or anything." I said, confused as to why I don't remember it.

"I have one more question and then I will let you rest or eat or have visitors." I nodded.

"We have diagnosed you with anorexia, is that accurate?" I furrowed my eye brows.

"Anorexia? I eat, I mean, yeah I eat sir." I said, trying to assure myself.

"We will need you to have three regular meals during your time here and occasionally weigh you for progress updates, this is only if you are underweight to the point of risk, if not you will be here at most a couple of days and we surely suggest you see a professional." I was still lost. I have always been small, I barely think I'm that much smaller.

"I may have layed off a few calories or so, but I was premature, I am naturally kind of small."

"We will see. If you need a nurse, please press this button." he said, pointing to the button on the side of my bed. And with that he left. At first he seemed more calm and easy but he accused me of being anorexic? I'm not anorexic.

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