assumptions of happiness and things unspoken

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April 10, 1977
8:09 pm
Great Hall

The five Gryffindor sixth year girls walking down the corridors of Hogwarts were completely drunk on their own victory high.

Surprisingly, not firewhiskey as they would have been if Alice hadn't pointed out that coming in intoxicated would just add onto the inevitable anger McGonagall was going to have towards them.

Their little morning to afternoon excursion had changed into an all day outing that involved a suspicious amount of Bertie Botts, drainage pipes, and the Caterwauling Charm, but all the girls would deny that if you asked them.

Anneliese had the cloak stuffed into her bag while Dorcas was in possession of the Map, holding the highly revered parchment completely carelessly in one hand once again, just to spite the Marauders and emphasize their own foolishness.

As they got closer and closer to the Great Hall, Callaway was having increased worries about what Black's reaction was going to be. She knew that replacing the cloak with her bra was definitely a more riské move, but hopefully he wouldn't be too angry.

"Someone please remind me why we are walking directly into the Great Hall," Alice prompted in a small tone. "Shouldn't we be trying to avoid the large crowds of people, not go into a room full of professors?"

"I think we just need to get it over with," Anneliese said, although she was slightly nervous as well. "Besides, we can always just blame it on the Gryffindor stupidity. Minnie has to have some in her, right?"

"I think she might be the one exception and not understand us," Dorcas countered. "Can you even imagine that woman when she went to school here?"

Marlene got a very dirty, mischievous expression on her face.

"I just imagined what looks like a-"

"I wonder how long it took for them to realize it was missing," Lily cut her off abruptly, knowing Mckinnon was going to put a very disturbing or explicit image in their minds if she let her keep talking. "Or if they ever even noticed at all."

"Hopefully they did, because Potter really needs that Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm a Witch book," Dorcas giggled. "And Black.. I honestly cannot believe you did that, A."

"Neither can I," Anneliese replied with a grin as they turned the last corner to get to the Great Hall. "But no one thought our dear Alice would do what she did in Dervish and Banges, but here we are-"

"If you tell anyone, I'm going to be very angry," Alice threatened, but there was a little smile on her face as she recalled the reconnaissance. "I haven't ever-"

"Little Fortescue, shut the fuck up, as politely as possible," Marlene whispered in fear. "We have a bigger issue on our hands than your little stunt right now, one named Minerva McGonagall."

As they stepped into the enormous carved wooden doorway of the Great Hall, the girls realized that Meadowes was right.

"Oh, this better be good," Remus muttered as he aggressively stabbed his fork into a green bean. "They're back."

Sirius looked up from his food in momentary confusion before he registered Lupin's words and turned his head towards the entrance of the room. A small smirk formed on his face as he saw Anneliese.

He didn't see her not in her uniform enough, and the dark pink sweatpants and tight black top were certainly doing many favors for her looks.

But more than her body, Black's smirk changed into a genuine smile as he saw the expression on her face. Granted, it was mildly terrified of McGonagall.

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