ch 25

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Third person's pov

His heart felt a pang hearing that she will get married to someone else! What why do he care now? Hadn't he sowed the seed of hatered for him in her heart! Hadn't he promises himself that he would not distrub their life after meeting them just for once!

Now why he is being selfish for keeping them for himself! He had signed the papers that he won't have any relation with Arush now why he want him as his son!

Why he want her as his wife when he labelled her as slut whore and trash! He didn't left his own flesh and called him trash too! Now why he came back to distrub their peaceful life!

" You will not I will make sure you won't " he said dangerously with anger dripping his eyes!

" Try to stop me if you can " she said with playful smirk! She was well aware of him she knew in order to piss him off it would be the right string and she was having sadistic pleasure in giving him pain!

She was feeling satisfied giving him the pain she felt in past! She wanted him to feel the way she did when he announced his and Malika's wedding with his child in her womb!

" Annika " He sighed being tired of their continuous argument which was affecting their son!

" Get out " she said turning her back in front of him !

" Arush " Shivaay looked at him with teary eyes he felt sad and was about to go to him but Annika picked him up in her arms!

A lone tear rolled from her eyes which he wipped with the back of his thumb! He turned back and moved towards exit he halted looked at them with sad smile and went away from their sight!

" Muma you are getting married? You will leave me "  Arush asked innocently and Annika 's stepped back with her question!

" No baby muma is not getting married and  muma will never leave you! You are my everything how can I leave you " Annika said placing numerous kisses on his head

" I am sorry I frightened you I was scared that you will leave me " Annika said sobbing hugging him tightly!

" It's okay muma I understand! But muma like you love me sso loves me too right? " Arush said

" If he would have loved you then he would have kept you Arush! You are too small to know everything! I just want to tell you your mother did alot for you alone now when we are at better place he came out of blues to take you away from me! I won't let this happen! You are my kid I brought you up and I won't give him any right to keep any right on you! No matter of you hate me for this reason " Annika said with stern face!

Arush cupped her face!

" I won't hate you muma ever " he said placing a kiss of her cheeks!

" I am sorry " Annika once again apologized to the little boy who was still shocked under the effect of the high temperature argument!

The effect of parents fight is worst on kid! Parents take out their frustation on each other by accusing each other but a kid suffers alot in between them! He become forced to choose between them! Without knowing without understanding anything the kid gets dragged unnecessaryly!

It was an another morning of hopes that everything would be fine! Annika and Arush were trying to be normal but deep down they were still under the effect of yesterday's heated argument!

Annika got up in the morning in the hope that everything would be fine like it was before his arrival in their life! Arush got up in morning with the hope he would not face another terrible thing like yesterday which didn't made him get a sleep properly reminsing the argument repeatly!

They had breakfast but something was changed in today's morning! She was feeling distressed! Though she had Arush around but still she was feeling his absence!

" Muma my school van came " Arush said picking up and the school bag!

" Arush " she stopped him and embraced him in tight hug!

" Don't go today " unknowingly word's left from her mouth

" Muma its bad manners to take holiday from school without any reason" he said sternly as if he is a professor who can give lecture to you for hours about morals ethics and manners! A smile crassed on her face!

She wasn't feeling well! She didn't want to send him but knowing how stubborn he is she let him go after planting a kiss on her forehead!

" Come soon " she said as her heart felt sudden pang seeing him running towards the exit!

Pushing all the insecurities and new emerging anxious feelings she went to her office!

She tried to focus on work but was not able to do it ! Everytime she used to start her work her heart used to feel an unknown anxiety!

She was keeping an attention on the time today! Finally she sighed in relief when the clock struck 3 pm! It was time for his school off!

She hurriedly took her car's eyes and ran to pick her son from school! Reaching at the school's entrance gate! She saw the security guard!

" Bhaiya can you please bring Van number 2324 's Arush! I have come to pick him " Annika said to him

" 5 standard 's Arush right? " Security asked and Annika nodded deep down controlling her anxiety she was feeling at the moment!

15 minutes passed and those 15 minutes seemed to be 15 years to her! As the time was passing her anxiety and nervousness was reaching at the peak!

" Mam the van had left early! I too just got to know now sorry to keep you waiting " security guard informed and Annika sighed being disappointed!

" Thanku " she said to him and went back to her car in the hope with time she will reach at home Arush would be there!

Being engrossed in thoughts she reached at her home! Taking out the key she opened the door to find darkness!

" Arush " she called him in the hope he will reply!

" Arush where are you " She again called him but she didn't got any response!

To be continued

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