ch 28

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Third person's pov

Abhishek and Annika reached at the police station! Submitting the proves and filing the FIR they decided to go to the Oberio mansion! Annika was damn sure that she is not going to leave that person now! The person who ruined her life at all extends!

She stood at the enterance of the hell! She had made a mental note that she would never ever come to that hell after what that family did with her and her child!

" Isn't it Shivaay's engagement today?" Abhishek asked from Annika looking at the grand decoration of the mansion!

" He will attend his family's funeral today if he didn't return my son to me" she roared like a wounded lioness! Even god feel weak infront of a mother's love for her children then what does these people think of themselves!

" Shivaay Singh Oberio"  She scremed as loud as she could with rage holding in her voice! She later realised the presence of alot of people as well as media in the mansion!

" what's happening here" Jahanvi said coming in the direction of enterance! Annika gave a damn to the oberio family standing infront of her and one special addition in family of oberio's the new daughter in law of family!

" Sir please start searching for my son fast please" annika told to the police!

" Constable throw the media and people out " the inspector instructed! Annika's eyes were trying to find Shivaay! The main culprit who kidnapped her child!

" Inspector do you know in whose house you are barging in" tej said

" We have search warrant Mr Oberio! So don't try to distrub our work " inspector threatened him

" How dare you talk to me like that" tej's words were interupted by sub inspector team!

" Sir we searched everywhere there is no trace of Arush nor the main culprits "

" Where is my son?"  Annika scremed in frustration! " I will find him myself! I will find my son! He will be here only " Annika said running inside the mansion and checking each and every room of mansion!

" Arush where are you? Arush my son " she cried while finding her son! She went upstairs hurriedly!

" Inspector stop that lady it's illegal! We can sue her for trespassing " Tej shouted

" Tej what is going on here? Where is Shivaay and Pinky moreover" Kalyani asked

" Probably hiding in order to cover their sin " Jahanvi commented with smirk

" Arush where are you! Muma is getting scared my love! Speak up where are you? " she continously spoke while trying to find her son!

" Annika control yourself probably they have kept Arush somewhere else " Abhishek told

" He might be here only" Annika was ready to listen to anyone! Her eyes landed on the room which belonged to Shivaay! Though she never came into that room but being in relationship with her she saw his room on video chat numerous times! She knew there was a library in his room too!

She barged in his room to find it empty! But what gained her attention were the posters of her and Arush! Not having enough time to think about the posters she decided to focus on finding her son She opened every drawer of his room to find any clue! She merely read the name
"Kalayani Mills " on one file and she felt in familiar! There was some story behind it and shivaay had told her about it too!

" Annika there is nothing here let's not waste our time and let's find Arush " Abhishek said!

" There is a library in his room I am sure we will find something there! We have to find that library " Annika said wipping her fresh tears! Annika thumped every part of the wall to find the door of the library Shivaay told her! Her intuition took her to the cupboard! She opened the cupboard to find her clothes placed neatly! The one she used to wear when they were toghter! Shrugging her past she threw all the clothes out to find displaceable cabinet's! She just pushed lightly the cupboard back face that she reached in the library! She flinched in fear in darkness!

" Arush are you here son " Annika asked with shivering voice! She stumbled when she collided with something! She felt it to be body of someone! The scent of body felt so familiar to her! Abhishek searched for the switch to turn on the light's! Finally when he turned on the light land skipped out of from their feets finding Shivaay's body on ground! Her heart ached seeing him like this but soon the rage flow through her nerves!

She shook Shivaay's unconscious body harshly! " Get up you demon!! Get up and tell me where is my son " she scremed hitting his unconscious body! Abhishek checked his nerved to find if he was alive! He immediately brought  some water to wake him up! He was about to sprinkle on his face when Annika took the glass from him and threw entirely on Shivaay's face! The image of him taking her son was burning her entire body in anger and frustration!

" Miss Annika please get side we have to take him to hospital first " the inspector told

" He is just doing drama inspector! Wake him up and ask him about my son " she shouted! She herself didn't know what to do! She was feeling immense pain seeing him in that state but the pain of not having her kid around her was making her insane!

" God Billu what happened to you " Kalayani cried as police brought out unconscious Shivaay out from the secret library!

" Inspector please please find my son please " Annika cried hard! Shivaay's heart ached in her unconscious state! He felt something was pulling him out from the darkness!

" Annika " he moaned as he clutched his heart!

" Shivaay " she called him " please tell me where is my kid " she cried shrugging him as he was laying on bed!

" Ahhhhh " he moaned as he felt terrible ache in his entire body when he tried to get out from the darkness! His central nervous system was giving up completely! His heart was telling him to get his love is calling him but his body was not responding!

" Tell me if my son is safe! Tell me.. get up " she cried! As soon as " son " went in his ears he opened his eyes immediately!

" Arush " the first thing he said!

" Shivaay Shivaay please tell me where is my son " he found Annika crying hard standing beside him! His brain was not processing what was happening! Out of reflex he smiled feeling Annika around him!

" Annika where is our champ?" He asked semi consiously! His brain was numb! He had not idea what was going on! Abhishek tried to understand Shivaay from medical point of view and dragged Annika away from him! Meanwhile the doctor came and tried to understand his condition!

" He was drugged which made his central nervous system to stop processing for certain period of time! I have given the antidote please give him time to recover " doctor informed!

" No. No . No we don't have time doctor " she cried " I don't know where my son is .. I don't know anything " She cried!

On the other side

Arush was tied with a rope around a chair! He cursed himself for falling in trap of this man!


"Arush your father and grandmother has come to take you " teacher informed! Arush raised his eyebrows being shocked! Arush ran towards the clerk office to mind his father and a lady standing!

" Arush my grandson I am your grandmother " pinky took him in hug which didn't felt affectionate to him at all!

" Arush " his father called him

" What are you doing here? My mother will get upset if she found that you are here " Arush said

" Your mother met with accident dear we have come to take you to hospital " He told!

" What " arush cried " take me to muma fast please" arush cried! Shivaay took his hand and Arush felt the lack of warmth he used to feel earlier but shrugging it off he went with them! After that he don't know how he slept and when he got up he found himself in the dark room!

Flashback ends

" Muma where are you I am getting scared " Arush cried

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