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Draco was getting all the things he needed together and had changed his clothes. He had everything he needed for his trip... 'Everything except Hermione' he thought.

He decided that when Hermione didn't answer him back when he had said he loved her, that she doesn't love him. So he was off by himself to find that house and figure out what was going on. He knew he had to go, he could feel it, but he also had a feeling that Hermione needed to go to but obviously she wouldn't go with him. Draco decided that she would be safer at the castle by herself other than going with him anyway.

This is when Hermione finally found him. "There you are..."

She trailed off as she saw that he was just starting to walk out the front doors of the school with all of his things packed onto his body in one way or another.

"Where do you think you're going? Especially without me! Get back here!"

Draco turned around and gave her a weird look, like 'what the hell, you have problems' kind of look. Then he realized what she was wearing and couldn't help but to smirk a little bit. Hermione had just gotten out of the shower, obviously, and all she had on was a very small, thin robe. It was like a silky fabric and it was short enough that if she bent over just a little he would be able to see some private areas.

The front wasn't closed all the way up because the tie around her waist wasn't tight enough to keep the whole thing together. "Draco, where are you going?"

"Oh, uh... I have somewhere that I need to go after I permanently install this image into my brain."

Hermione looked at herself and realized that more of her was showing than she thought and realized what exactly the image was that he wanted to save. "No, Draco. I need to tell you something. Please, come back upstairs with me."

Draco wasn't sure what was going on. Earlier that day Hermione was so mad that she could've killed a whole zoo with the looks she was sending out in his direction. Now she's asking him to go back upstairs with her, it made no sense. Draco sighed and looked Hermione in the eyes then asked, "You're not going to hex me or anything are you?"

Hermione looked down and laughed. She looked back up at him and answered, "No silly, I just wanted to talk to you that's all. So come on."

Draco still wasn't sure if it was safe to follow her but he figured that whatever happens he probably deserves for what he did earlier, even if it was an accident. So he walked over to her to follow her up the stairs but Hermione went towards the back of him and slightly pushed him to go up the stairs in front of them. "Draco Malfoy, you don't actually think that I'm going to walk up those stairs in front of you after those looks you were just giving me. I think it would be a little unsafe for me to be in front of you, on stairs, higher than you. So go ahead, you know where the common room is."

Draco smirked and started walking up the stairs ahead of Hermione. They didn't say anything the whole way up the common room so it gave them both some time to think. Hermione was thinking about what she was going to say to Draco and he was thinking about what she was going to do to him. He still didn't know what to expect when he got up there.

'Is she playing with me to get me back or is she being serious?' He asked himself as they reached the common room.

Hermione started when they entered and Draco turned around to face her. "I'm not going to search around for the words like you did so here it goes... Draco...I...."

Hermione was suddenly stopped by a silencing charm from Draco. "Did you hear that?"

He asked as he walked very slowly over to her. When he reached her she pulled back a hand and punched him hard in the arm. "Ouch...Hermione stop. I'll fix it; I just thought I heard something while you were talking. I'm sorry." He whispered.

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