Body Language

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They were finishing up gathering supplies and packing up the campsite. They were both quiet and Draco was trying as hard as he could to contain his nerves; he knew what happens next and he needed to make sure that things went differently this time. Otherwise, coming back here and bringing Hermione back was for nothing and he couldn't bear to lose her again.

He had come up with numerous plans by now but no sure way to know if any of them would work. They had decided together that they would make their way to the castle before heading to Malfoy Manor.

They both knew that Ginny would show up there and possibly need some help. Not to mention the fact that they would be able to get some time out of the tent and restock their supplies.

"Well, I think that's all of it." Hermione said, shaking Draco free of his thoughts.

He glanced around and nodded his head. He suddenly felt like there was a frog stuck in his throat and didn't want to try speaking and have his voice betray how he was feeling. He was scared. Scared of losing Hermione again and scared of what lay before them at the manor.

Hermione pulled a bag onto her shoulders and walked up to Draco.

"Look at me Draco. I know you are nervous but everything will be alright."

He turned to face her and they stood looking at each other. She smiled at him and slowly walked closer to him and kissed him. It wasn't like the passionate kiss they had shared earlier but a more caring and comforting kiss. Something to ease his worries she hoped.

"How are you not scared? You know what happened last time."

He asked her as he held her face with his hand.

"I know I should be scared but I'm not and I know things will go differently this time." She gave a small smile.

"How could you possibly know that?" He whispered.

All he wanted to do was run away with her and forget the fact that everyone desperately needed their help, including his friend Harry.. who now wouldn't know they were friends because he changed time but he knew what they had had and still considered him a friend at heart.

They could so easily disappear together and never look back. Part of him wished for this more than anything. The other part was still trying to plan for the inevitable fight that they knew would soon take place.

"I know because we have something they don't."

She reached down and grabbed his hand into hers and squeezed his fingers.

They smiled at each other in a hopeful way and then grabbed up the rest of their belongings and started off towards Hogwarts.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


The journey was really tedious and noneventful so far which was a good thing but boring. Thanks to Draco, they both pretty much knew which areas to avoid overall and also knew exactly how to make it to Hogwarts without delay. They both stayed quiet overall and just lived in their thoughts and worries.

Hermione secretly wished that Draco would've left things how they were because at least everyone was safe and alive. Now there was a chance that that wouldn't be the outcome.

She resigned herself to the fact that if it came down to it, she would be willing to meet the same end as long as it meant everyone else would still survive. She decided to keep this little thought to herself.. She knew Draco wouldn't like it and she also knew Draco would do anything to keep from losing her again.

The journey took them well into the night before they finally made it to the castle.

The first thing they did was scrape together a meal. They were both starving after the long journey and a hot meal made a big difference. Even though Draco had already told her what the castle was like it was still a shock to see. Everything was destroyed.

They went up to the Gryffindor commons and started a fire in the fireplace. They lit some candles and cuddled together on the torn-up sofa in front of the fire.

"How much time do we have here?" Hermione asked softly.

Draco cleared his throat and answered back softly, "Little Weasley doesn't show up for at least another day. Then I thought you would want a day with her here before we go."

Hermione nodded her head.

Knowing that this could likely end up being a suicide mission, she decided that it would be worth it to take the extra time with Ginny while she could. She would make sure she was taken care of and well set up at Hogwarts before they leave.

"Yea.. I would like that." She smiled and sat up.

She turned to look at him laying on the sofa and really let herself soak in the sight of him. He was the most attractive man she had ever laid eyes on. She loved how he was fit and muscular in the right ways with the boyish charm all rolled together.

She stood up and walked across the room. She was nervous. She had so much on her mind, terrifying things but right now she couldn't stop thinking about him and his warm skin on hers.

She grabbed a goblet of water and downed it all in one big gulp. She could feel her face flushed red.

Draco surprised her by grabbing her from behind. He knew well what her body language was hinting at and why she turned away. She was nervous but he knew what she was thinking. He was thinking the same thing. The cuddling turned into something more intimate the longer they lay together and no amount of shifting could hide his 'thoughts'.

He wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her against his. He started trailing light kisses along her neck and she relaxed against him.

The room felt warmer and fuzzier as they both let the disturbing surroundings fade into the background. Every touch felt calming and exciting.

Hermione turned to face him and kissed his lips harshly.

They started pulling each other's clothes off and throwing them haphazardly across the room while never taking their hands off each other's bodies. A hot need and urgency ran through their nerves and the feeling of wanting was more than they could ignore.

Fully naked now, Draco turned Hermione around and pulled her back against his chest. She could feel his hard penis pressed firmly against her skin. He was sucking and kissing on her neck and slowly walked her to the side of the sofa.

Her hips hit the arm of the sofa and without hesitation, she bent forward, leaning over the arm, and rubbed her bottom against his length. He reached down and rubbed her, making sure she was ready and wet which she was. He used his fingers to open the folds and pushed himself inside her.

They both moaned loudly. He reached his hands out to rest on her back to steady them and he started a rhythm within her. In and out, both of them meeting each other's thrusts.

She reached her arm back and grabbed his firm butt to pull him harder against her. She could feel herself getting closer to climax. She was moaning louder with each thrust. He filled her completely and all she could think about was how good it felt inside of her.

All the stress and worries melted away and there was only them. They were everything at that moment together.

He grabbed her hips and with the right force was finally able to hit the right spot inside her. He pushed harder and deeper and he could feel her tighten around himself.

They both moaned loudly and with one last thrust, they both climaxed together.

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