Battle Ground

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She smiled.

"What do you think you are smiling at you little bitch." Lucius sneered at her.

This time when the anger flashed inside of her, she didn't hold back. She lifted her wand and pointed it straight at him and whispered the forbidden words. "Avada Kedavra."

A green light shot from her wand and hit Lucius in the chest. He flew back and landed with a dull thud on the ground. He was dead.

She wished she could have made him suffer before killing him but either way she was happy that he finally met his end and was no more. He would never again threaten her or Draco and never again would he ever hurt or murder anyone.

Just as the army of death eaters started raising their wands, spells started to hit them from the back, from the manor.

Looking past all the shocked faces, she could see Draco and Harry run out of the Malfoy manor with a full army of their own. It was filled with their friends, parents, and teachers. It was the perfect plan. She was able to distract them long enough for Draco to release everyone and launch a sneak attack from the back.

When she and Draco planned everything out, they knew that the surprise attack was their only real chance and they knew they couldn't waste it. So, they decided that everyone should attack with the killing curse. There was no room for angry death eaters retaliating against them while they were in the middle of a battle for their lives.

Green sparks lit up the yard and death eaters started to drop to the ground as death hit them. The group with Draco was able to make a pretty big dent in death eaters by the time they realized what was happening to them. Surprise had definitely been a smart move for them.

"You." Voldemort looked at her surprised.

Hermione pointed her wand at him and he raised his own to meet hers. A loud pop echoed around her and without looking, she knew that Draco was by her side. He pulled her hand into his and as they held hands, they pointed their wands at Voldemort. He looked disgusted at them and angry.

"Blood traitor!" He yelled at Draco.

Draco looked furious. He squeezed Hermione's hand and flicked his wand behind Voldemort.

"I think you have more important things to worry about."

Harry slowly walked around Voldemort while pointing his wand at him. He never took his eyes off him as he gradually made his way to stand in front of Draco and Hermione.

"Let's finish this!" Harry shouted as he lunged at Voldemort and they both disappeared in a cloud of black smoke which went flying through the air.

Draco and Hermione shared a quick embrace before pulling apart and looking at each other intently.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He told her.

"Me? What about you. I hated hurting you like that." She replied while rubbing a gentle hand over the bruised and torn flesh on his neck.

He flinched slightly at her touch but grabbed her hand and held it in place.

"It was worth it. I would do it again if I had to. Now let's go help our friends."

He smiled at her and they took each other's hands once again before heading off into the battle.

Every death eater they saw, they used the killing curse without hesitation. They knew it was their best chance of making it out alive. To have no remorse, just resolve in making it home together.

Not everyone on either side was so convinced that using the killing curse was the best plan apparently as they both saw different colored sparks of light flying through the air and hitting people. Some were using torture curses or spells to bind their opponent.

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