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Draco finally made his way to the great hall for dinner. He just left Dumbledore's office. When he finally sat down at the Slytherin table, the colors on the house flags changed colors. They turned black.

Dumbledore slowly made his way to the front of the large room. He had the attention of everyone in the building. Draco knew what was coming and he was quietly dreading it.

He started watching Harry to see his reaction to the news.

"Hermione Granger, a great friend, a brave hero, and the smartest witch of her age... has been murdered."

Dumbledore continued even as the magical sky started raining on his head. Right away the realization hit Harry and he turned toward Draco's position but he was already walking out of the room.

Once Draco made it out of the room and out of sight, he ran to the stairs and went to his common room. He slammed the dorm room door open and slowly walked in.

Draco kicked his bed frame, punched the wall, and started screaming.

(FLASHBACK) – Dumbledore's Office

"Come in Mr. Malfoy, have a seat."

Dumbledore invited Draco into his office. Draco walked in and took a seat in front of Dumbledore's big desk. He glanced over at the phoenix bird with curious eyes.

The bird was dying, being re-born and dying all over again. It was like the bird was set on repeat and fast forward all at once.

Before Draco could even ask Dumbledore answered, "This has only happened once before. I'm incredibly sad to see it happening yet again."

Draco replied without thought. "Voldemort."

it was simple even though he didn't understand what it meant, he knew who caused it then.

"Hermione." Dumbledore said.

He continued after a short pause, "It would bore you to hear the details, just know that things will work out eventually and Fawkes will be fine."

Draco shook the thought out of his head and went on with what he came for.

"Hermione is dead professor."

Dumbledore leaned forward on his desk and took a quick glance at Draco.

"I know. I have known for some time now. I can see it in your eyes that something terrible happened in that house. I just don't know the details, such as you with Fawkes."

Draco thought quietly for a minute before he finally answered, " I won't tell how not yet but the who is my father. I'm sure you know that already and more but I had to say it out loud."

Draco nodded to himself and then stood up to leave, he made it to the doorway before he was stopped. Dumbledore walked forward and tapped his shoulder.

"I want to help. I'm searching for a solution every day but today... people should know. It's time to tell."

Draco didn't respond, he just walked away and ended up in the great hall for the speech.


Eventually, a week went by, and later a month had come and gone.

Dumbledore was gone a lot these days so he never heard anything about possible solutions until almost six months of waiting. School had gone on and so did the holidays.

When Draco got news from Dumbledore he told Harry right off.

They had gotten closer through the time they spent waiting for answers and Harry now knew everything that had happened between Draco and Hermione. They also talked about everything that happened to Harry and how school was home for both of them.

When Dumbledore finally got back to Hogwarts it was late and everyone was asleep except Draco Malfoy. He was waiting in the headmasters office for most of the night.

Dumbledore popped in with a cracking noise that echoed out of the window. He fell into his chair and looked into Draco's eyes with a serious expression tight on his face.

Draco sighed and said, "You found something. We can save her! Thank Merlin and thank you professor! You just found a cure to death."

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