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Hermione was in so much pain that it was hard to breathe. The Cruciatus curse was being used on her and Lucius was loving it.

She couldn't help but scream in pain. Draco was next to her crying and screaming in protest.
When Lucius finally stopped the Cruciatus curse, Hermione slumped forward with a gasp.

Lucius turned toward Draco, "Oh, don't worry. We have different plans for you."
He smiled as he walked out of the room, summoning his group of death eaters.

" Draco... I love you." She paused to take a breath.

"You have to survive this. I love you too much to watch you die." She finished with a tear falling down her face.
"Hermione, please... don't talk like that. We'll make it through. I love you too much to see you die too. Don't you know that?"

"Of course I know, but I also know that I'm not going to make it. He has made sure of that."

"No, Hermione. Don't..." He was cut off by Hermione. "Yes. This is what is going to happen. I am going to die."

Draco sobbed at her words but she continued. "You will survive, you will live. I want you to promise that you will try. You have to promise that you will live a long and happy life."

"How can you ask me to do that? You know that I can't."
They were both crying loudly but Hermione wasn't letting this go.
"I know that you can and you will."

Lucius reentered the room with odd-looking tools and his wand revealed.
"I doubt that. From where I'm standing, you're both going to die."

Hermione looked up at him; her face was angry and covered in sweat and tears.
"I'd like to see you try. I'm a lot tougher than you seem to think."

She glanced at Draco and right away he knew what she was doing. She was sacrificing herself so that he would have a chance to find a way out. Tears were flowing down his cheeks but he didn't say a word; he didn't even know what he could say.

Lucius started hurting Hermione in ways that she couldn't have imagined. She tried to stay tough and quiet but the pain was so much that she couldn't help screaming out.

She was hurting in more ways than one. She was in so much pain but her true hurting came from the flashing thoughts of Draco.

She thought of all the great moments that they had together.
She was dying and all she could think about was him. She truly did love him.
She had flashes of when they were by the river and Draco saved her life. She thought about how they slept naked and he saw her body. She thought of how they were together intimately and how she wished they could've been together longer.

She turned toward Draco, the best that she could. Their eyes met and they both knew how much they loved each other without a doubt.

Hermione let out one last wail of pain before she finally fell limp without a breath.
Hermione Jean Granger was dead.
She would never experience anything ever again, it was all over.

Draco screamed loudly in frustration and pain. He was hurt more than he could ever explain.
He just lost the love of his life and he wanted to kill the person responsible – Lucius Malfoy.

A bright light of mist and beauty burst out of Hermione and before anyone knew what happened, Draco was free. The ropes were gone and so was the light.
Draco stood quickly and fought with Lucius. They rolled around on the ground trading blows where ever they could reach.

They were grunting as they tried to overpower each other.
Draco landed a powerful blow to his father's face that almost knocked him out.
Draco rushed to the table of instruments and grabbed his father's wand.
He stood over his father and spook slowly.

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