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The spell called for many ingredients and took them months to attain them. Harry and Draco tried to focus on school and the spell so they were very busy but every time they found a new item to add to the spell they felt closer to Hermione.

It was summer vacation by the time they had everything. The spell had to be used at Hogwarts but when they got there Dumbledore had a new speech ready, or more like a warning.

Draco and Harry listened but they all knew they would do it anyway.

The only warning they took to heart was the part about how Hermione would be when she came back.

It took days to prepare for such a large spell but when it was time, their nerves were on fire.

Draco was the only one who could do the spell because he was with Hermione when she died. He thought back on that night while he made his way to a special location in the school.

He missed Hermione so much, he could easily give his life for hers and that was a possibility when using this spell. Draco finally reached the room and all that he saw was a tall mirror hiding in the thick shadows. The mirror brightened as he walked towards it.

When he finally stood in front of the mirror an image began to appear, it was Hermione.

Draco Malfoy stood in front of the mirror of desire and he saw Hermione Granger.

They smiled at each other as he pulled his wand out of his pocket and a bag from behind him. He put his hand into the bag and pulled out multi-colored sand, he tossed it at the mirror and hit it with a spell from his wand.

The mirror got brighter and brighter, the mirror started to shake then cracked down the middle until it reached the bottom.

The glass suddenly exploded and hit Draco everywhere. He could feel the blood hit his skin immediately after the explosion and glass shards were sticking out of his body.

The mirror had opened into a dark room.

He crawled into the room and the glass disappeared from his body; the wounds were gone.

He stood up and moved around the room, he moved so slowly that it was as if he were in slow motion.
The air was thick and it felt wet on his skin.

A tiny light appeared across the room and it got larger and larger until it shot across the room. The light cut through the darkness like a swift knife.

It moved so fast that Draco could barely keep his eyes on it until it suddenly stopped in front of his face and it shrunk down to the size of a gulf ball.

Inside of the light, he could see Hermione sitting in a small chair without movement. It was as if she were frozen in ice. Draco reached his arm up and grabbed the ball of light in his fingers.

He studied it for a minute and then he lifted his left hand and pressed on the ball, it suddenly expanded in front of him.

The light was now a wall in front of him. He could see Hermione and the whole room she was in, it was the dungeon in the dark house where she died.

Everything started going backwards and eventually, Hermione was back in the woods, then Hogwarts, and she kept going back. He finally reached his arm in when Hermione reached the lake. Hermione grabbed his arm and held on tight as he pulled her forward.

He felt burning on his arm and Hermione started screaming, it was burning her too. The wall fell into darkness and Draco couldn't see Hermione at all, but he could feel her.

Something had gone wrong and he had to get her out now.

His arm started to slice open and blood was flowing everywhere. He pulled with everything he had left in him and finally got her out.

As soon as they were out of the wall it grew light again and disappeared.

They were in complete darkness. Hermione was still screaming, she had open wounds all over her body. She was burnt and cut to almost nothing but there was a light growing around them, brighter and brighter by the second.

The brighter it was the quieter she got. Draco could feel what was happening, they were healing with the light until it was fully lighted and they had only scars instead of wounds.

The burns were gone and they weren't at Hogwarts anymore, they were laying in the grass about ten feet away from the river that nearly killed Hermione so long ago.

They were back and she was alive.

"It worked!"

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