Closer to You

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By the time Hermione had finally woke up, the sunlight was pouring through the tent's thin cloth onto her face. She opened her eyes and sat up; her hair fell over her shoulders and hid her sweaty face in shadow. Hermione wiped her forehead with her arm and pushed her hair back as Draco came out of the bathroom.

His body was glistening as the sunlight hit his wet skin. He wore a pair of dark pants but nothing more. He moved from the bathroom doorway past the small living room and ended up in the bedroom.

Hermione, trying not to stare, glanced over and saw a scar on his shoulder. Curiously she moved off her bed and started toward her bathroom, on her way she glanced back and asked, "The scar on your shoulder... it's from the other day when you fell right? I mean it's obviously healed now but that's how you got it right?"

She stepped into the bathroom and grabbed a hair tie out of the cabinet by the door. She brushed her hair back and wrapped the band around the curls.

"You did a pretty good job of healing it, Hermione. I'm lucky you were with me, I honestly don't know anything about healing."

Hermione opened her closet and started searching through it for something to wear.

"I did that? It's not bad but it still scarred, sorry about that."

Draco sat on his bed facing Hermione as he pulled on a shirt.

"Technically you didn't or won't but it's here, I don't know how it all works but I kind of like it... The scar I mean."

He grinned and then continued.

"I think it makes me look tough and I'm sure the girls would think it's kind of sexy. What do you think?"

She turned away from the closet and studied him in a somewhat comical manner before she finally replied, "Oh, sure. I can see it now. You're about as tough as Crookshanks and as sexy as..."

"As what?" He interrupted her.

She laughed as she pulled out some clothing, "Wouldn't you like to know."

She smoothly walked through the tent, into the bathroom, and closed the door behind her. Draco was left sitting there with a smirk on his lips; he had missed Hermione so much and was glad that he could start over with her.

He enjoyed the playful flirting and so had she. Draco knew then, the love they could share and he could hardly wait to get started.

Hermione had decided to take another shower because of all the sweating she did most of the night. She had strange and horrible dreams but all she could remember from them was a green light.

She of course had an idea about what it was but she didn't want to explore it any further than what her subconscious was already doing on its own.

This time though, she didn't look in the mirror at all. She couldn't stand the horrible scars anymore, she decided to try a few spells to try and hide them when she got out of the shower.

She didn't stay under the hot water for long. She mostly just stood there staring at the wall while the water ran across her skin.

Once she finished, she stayed naked while she tried to think up enough spells to cover the scars. She knew a few but even with all of them, the scars were only faded. They were more covered than not and she decided that makeup could probably help hide the ones on her face.

Of course, she didn't have makeup so she finally gave up and started covering the bruises with the spells she had just used on the scars, it worked completely this time and the marks were seemingly gone.

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